So we're the Red Army

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Andy Mac, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Carlycu5tard

    Carlycu5tard Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I just searched through my emails and here it is...the title - the scope and the bit about office decorations are the key bits.

    This was just the email about parties - there were other brefings about how phone's should be answered and how we should say happy holidays and not merry Christmas.

    I still exchange "Happy indeterminate non religious winter holiday festival" cards with a few people there.

    Festive Arrangements Guidance Notes

    Human Resources


    This guidance applies to all employees. Our position is that festive events are not a celebration of any particular religious belief, but an annual opportunity to recognise employee contribution at a festive time of year for all employees.


    We encourage employees to celebrate the festive season in December, sponsors celebration events and, where possible, allows employees to leave early on the last working day before the holiday period.

    This Policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies and procedures:

    · Code of Conduct

    · Dignity at Work

    · Drugs, Alcohol and Substance Abuse

    · Equal Opportunity

    · Work Wear Code


    We will make a contribution towards a Business Centre party each year at each location. All employees based at the location, regardless of their area of work or reporting line, should be invited to the Business Centre party. Such festive celebrations are classed as a work activity and employees must conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner. The Company’s disciplinary procedures will apply in the event an employee’s conduct or behaviour is found to be unacceptable.

    Normal Working

    If the day after a festive celebration is a normal working day, employees are expected to be in a fit state to carry out their work. Employees who attend work under the influence of alcohol or are absent from work without authority may be subject to disciplinary action.

    Health & Safety

    As any festive celebration is classed as a work activity, the company has a duty of care to its employees in respect of health & safety, and venues should be checked for suitability in this respect (for example, the location of the venue with regard to public transport). For those responsible for organising a festive celebration, it is recommended that a straightforward risk assessment be carried out at the venue to ascertain whether there are any factors which may affect the health and safety of employees.

    Invitations from Clients

    Invitations to attend Client festive events may be accepted, but approval must be sought from the relevant Client Director in advance. All policies will apply to employees even when they are attending a client-sponsored party.

    Office Decorations

    Employees may decorate their offices for the seasonal period, although the we do not sponsor the purchase of these decorations. Decorations should be neutral and should not refer to any particular religion. In customer-facing areas or offices shared with sub-contract or client employees, agreement should be first sought from the client for decorations to be put up. Decorations should be put up no earlier than the 1st of December and should be taken away at the latest on the 6th of January.

    Employee Attendance

    At the discretion of the Service or Client Director, employees may be allowed to leave early during the afternoon of the last working day before the holiday period. The decision will be dependant on client requirements and/or service delivery needs.

    Adequate cover must be provided to the agreed finish time as advised by the client. Leaving early may only apply to either the last working day at the start of the holiday period or New Year’s Eve, but not both.

    Where flexi-time is operating, this will be suspended at midday on the last working day before the holiday period. Employees who are subject to flexible working hours may then leave early at the discretion of the Service or Client Director responsible. It is at the discretion of the local leadership team whether a dress-down day is allowed on the last working day before the holiday period.
  2. andytyke

    andytyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    Worlds gone mad
  3. Plankton Pete

    Plankton Pete Well-Known Member

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    But that's not the same as not putting up street Christmas decorations so as not to offend Muslims. Still feckin barking mad tho.
  4. Carlycu5tard

    Carlycu5tard Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Hmmm. Thankfully I didn't have to endure the "Festive Lights" meetings - people in them must have thought they were having a dream after eating bad cheese.
  5. churtonred

    churtonred Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2011
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    I wouldn't identify with the far left. Each to their own.

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