The sun's hypocrisy

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by SuperTyke, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Tek

    Tekkytyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Barnsley Dark
    Been over 30C degrees in the shade here for weeks and UV at peak times of 9.6 on a scale of 10 so probably 'Mea Culpa'.
    Nevethless, the more I look at your previous posts (and you may not agree with this) the analysis (yours and mine) of what is wrong with the the world are not really dissimilar. We do differ drastically on who has the answers and the methodology for fixing the problem. My recent rant at you was OTT for which I apologise but you do tend towards sarcasm a little too readily and are somewhat pr-judgement IMHO at times which for me , is a 'red rag to a bull'. I suspect our political leanings will always cause some friction between us but there is probably some common ground on which we stand.

    My view of all political parties and the media is currently at an all-time low, not to mention the EU, looking at the latest Greek bailout where they are being given another 8.3 bn euros to add to their debt. This is just so next month the Greek Govt can give 7bn euros back to the creditors (mainly German banks) to service the current loans without actually reducing the balance at the same time demanding even more austerity from the Greeks. Whilst, for now, the UK , unlike Greece can service its debt, if we start on a massive investment program, involving further Public sector borrowing, even if many aspects of it make sound economic sense, becoming beholden to the EU and Germany longer term especially if we rack up UK debt even higher is not a prospect I welcome. Hence my stance on Brexit and my lack of enthusiasm for Corbyn's manifesto (in spite of his sincerity to create a more equal society). Oops - off topic again.
    Red Rain and Jimmy viz like this.

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