I’m coming over for a few days later today. Does anyone know if Tequila is a proper Mexican Restaurant or just a bar which does food? Notice its says Restaurant on the front but just checking. Do you just sit in the bar or is there a proper seating area for food? Trying to find out for somewhere to re-introduce the missus to Barnsley. Thanks.
I would avoid it. There's a proper Mexican three doors up that's half decent and as dyson says Latinos. Avoid though if the erm larger waitress is on minds, she's not very fleet of foot.
Is Latino’s more of a Tapas bar. I’ll see if I can find an online menu. Which is the Mexican 3 doors down? Romano’s? Was trying to find info on the food bit in Blah Blah but noting on the website at all. Cheers for the help.
It's a mix of both - they do Tapas but more Greek/Mediterranean. But they do a cracking Barnsley Chop. Romano's is the Italian opposite Library - not bad but not great.
Is it good then? Ive allways been put off by the name which I find a little strange "Latinos Medditeranean Restaurant" Always thought Latino generally referred to South American Origin
Red Ginger opposite the library is ddecent. Sort of Asian Fusion.http://www.redgingerrestaurants.co.uk/
http://www.latinosbarnsley.co.uk/ £20 tapas feast on at the minute, thats sorted tomorrow's tea out for me.
Whats in town? Pinocchio's - Italian Romano's - Italian Latino's - Mediterranean Puccini's - Italian Red Ginger - Chinese Sushi bar Grille Steakhouse Chilli - Indian Blah Bar - ? Viva - ?
Yes, and what was Jalsa, can't remember what it's called now. I've heard a lot of good reports of Latinos