Teachers far too attractive these days, more like 6th formers. Best thread of the season well done JD.
For a moment there, I thought I'd wandered into the old lech club. I'll give Grandpapa Troll 5 minutes before he turns up finding fault with this thread.
With my physique I'd definitely be the Charles Hawtrey character! <img src ="http://explore.bfi.org.uk/sites/explore.bfi.org.uk/files/styles/gallery_full/public/bfi_stills/bfi-00m-dll.jpg?itok=Z6n6ig_Y">
I never had a female teacher who looked or dressed like you. All mine tended to look like this:- <img src ="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/06/27/article-0-01C5801200000578-795_468x653.jpg">
You don't say(!) I still maintain none of our female teachers looked like you. Alastair Sim, yes. You, no.
Boy, that escalated quickly! I can't get my eyes off those... unmatching nail thingies... erm... but apart from that I must say that it's a very nice photo of you! After studying this case for a moment I've come to the conclusion that it is totally acceptable - or even commendable - to wear a see-through top for a night out. Thank you for helping us to solve this problem. Let us know if you need any more fashion tips, we'll be happy to help you.
pmsl.......and to think at the time ....you said ...... you wouldnt kiss and tell .......am hurt roy am hurt .... it does suit me though i must admit.....lol