More scraping of the barrel! Mr Whitey will concur. Too many issues alcohol related to gamble on. Another wasted talent cause the lad it. Sad
I concur. Couldn't wait to leave us and he's a convicted woman beater. I wouldn't be giving him a another chance. I'm sure plenty of Barnsley fans who are parents would feel pretty uneasy at the thought of their young kids cheering him on or him being possibly their favourite player. Colace I could understand, but this leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.
Well worth a trial. No idea whether he's worth a deal or not but I think an alcoholic, unfit Adam Hammill has more of an end product than Kadeem Harris had
Yeah others would no doubt love Marlon King and Ched Evans as our strikeforce because people deserve another chance and as long as they score goals then it doesn't matter how they conduct themselves off field..... They don't all have to be God loving whiter than white family men like Sir Bobby is, but looking at people with a bad pass just doesn't look good.
I'd be OK with a trial & then pay per game if he plays at all. Agree with alcohol issues no contract basis. As A bleeding heart liberal I do believe in giving people a second chance, as long as they've done their time & earned the right. We'll see, probably now't will come of it.
Let me make this very clear - Adam is a terrific lad, very nice. Got a bit of an arrogance about him on the football pitch, but off it he's anything but. However, it's well documented that he's suffered with the demon drink, which obviously brings out another side to his character. Yes, assaulting two female paramedics is a despicable act, but it's not quite as cut and dried as that. He struck out at the medics without knowing who they were. He was balloxed. Dunt mek it reight, but he served his sentence. The last I heard of him was when the Huddersfield lads went to Spain in pre season and on the last night Adam got shitfaced and ended up in a scrap with a local. That was curtains for him under Chris Powell who released him. In terms of his football ability, I saw little of him. He rarely got a kick. But when he did he looked like Adam of old, minus a yard or two of pace, but still the captain of stepovers and long distance digs at goal. You would hope that at this level he'd be about as good as we could get on a freebie. Is it a risk? No. I totally see the point in it, now. If you'd asked me if it made sense in the summer I'd have said no. But look at the state of us. Relegation battle, not one winger capable of putting a cross over, far too few players willing to have a pop at goal. Not only that, the vast majority of reds fans probably have no recollection of his struggle the last few years and will probably find this an exciting potential signing. So arr, definitely understand the club having a look. I hope it works out, for him and Hugo. Now.... where's Ricardo Vaz Te........
If he is anywhere near a reasonable shape and determined to beat his demons he's 100% worth the gamble. He would be a top player in this league.
It's funny that you mention Vaz Te because him & Hammill are the only two players I can say genuinely excited me in a Barnsley shirt in probably the last 10 years
Convicted women beater ?
Plenty others have excited me, but I get the point you're making. A bit like Marcelle or Bullock were those two, in that they'd get the ball out wide and you'd hear the seats bang as folk rose from them - that sense that summat might be about to happen. We've not had that since Ricardo left. And Adam was just as exciting for a three month spell where everything he hit went in. If he's fit and his head's in the right place, he will surely offer us something different.
It costs nothing to have a look.He's still at a good age, it appears he did his full preseason so unless he has let himself totally go he should be in reasonable shape.I'm sure if we don't take a look other clubs will and we'd be saying" if only".
Yep, did a full pre season, played in most of the friendlies, Powell was willing to give him a second chance. So fitness wise he shouldn't be far off.