Its a thread that's four hours old, got in it two posts and only one of which is a Cardiff fan wanting our players. I was expecting it to be a news article from Alan Nixon a day early
Why is it laughable? Keep seeing people writing off every club outside of the prem that's connected with our players Cardiff are a biggish club ... recently premiership ... foreign investor ... great city ... 1 hr drive from ferry to Ireland (nice for CH). Ricky Lambert won't be playing for peanuts so presumably they would offer more money than we could. This last year will have told our players that a lot can happen in a year (1/2 a season even), just need a good salesman/manager (LJ can talk the talk) Not saying it will happen with Cardiff, but it's certainly not laughable.
If I was conor hourhine or sam winnall think I'd be aiming abit higher than a city of rugby fans who pull 13/14k home fans and in a relegation battle. And yes foreign owners but wasn't long scince the fans wanted them gone.