Over this last week or so it has become clear that there is basically two types of Barnsley fans. Type 1 These fans spend a couple of hours at the ground and if Barnsley are winning or sitting comfortably in the league they walk away from the ground feeling happy and not really giving the club a second thought - only commenting if the team is doing badly. Type 2 This type of fan watches the matches but doesn't stop thinking about the club when they leave the ground - no matter what the result on the field this type of fan watches and listens to all announcements from the club and tries to discern what's happening behind the scenes at the club. It's evident while reading this message board that this type of fan has some real concerns right now. We have just witnessed a year of success at the club - the recruitment and coaching is producing great results on the field. Then suddenly the behind the scenes management veers off at an angle and crashes into the rocks. What's happened to cause this ??? If the problems stems from the health of Patrick Cryne then the recent events at the club can be understood and will be accepted by the fans. If this is the case then sincere apologies from myself for asking sometimes awkward questions at a difficult time. But whatever the reason there needs to be an explanation by the Directors to the fans, especially to those fans that are very concerned about the current direction of the club.
"Concerned fans deserve an EXPLANATION from the DIRECTORS" This fan doesn't. Maybe it's just you and a few others. Can we have a poll?
Type 2 here. Surely it's time for some explanation of some of the stuff that's happened and continues to happen. PH has tried his best but he has other duties to attend to. Don't the directors have any appreciation of supporters' feelings and concerns?
I trust in the management of the club and when we need to be told something then it`s the board who will tell us. I am not in your type two and am most certainly not your type 1 ( seven hours spent in the car travelling to Blackpool is not a couple of hours)
What about type 3? **** their pants at the slightest bump in the road and look for someone at the club to blame. Nudge nudge, wink wink.
On the one hand its being said that the directors/PH are being overstretched and have too many jobs to do but on the other hand you want them to waste more time explaining things to fans! Surely at the moment the priority is sorting CEO replacement, transfer window dealings etc. etc.. Explaining things to us is NOT a priority, we should have a bit of patience and wait until the dust has settled a bit and let them get on with the important issues.
I'd rather them just sort it out and get on with it. We dont need dirty washing aired in public. Now stop it
Football club. Sells player. It's barely even news mate. Do you want an explanation when they change the bog roll in the exec toilets
That needs to be answered...also is it single ply...multi ply...quilted...super soft or the scratchy Izal stuff...we have the right to know what the directors use on their ar**s.
I shop at asda, they don't keep me informed about whats happening at asda house in leeds, I drive a v.w. not heard a lot from Wolfsburg, I use a jet garage for fuel and the garage and jet are a bit quiet lately. the club are keeping things inhouse if and when as A CUSTOMER we need to know what is happening we will be told................................. you don't play cards and show your hand to the other players ( yeah, yeah mezaire avaire )