As customers, we are paying more than we would if the services were in private hands. The shareholders need dividends and the companies must make profits...
Remind. Me how much per kwh the price of electricity. Was when it was privatised and how much it is now. The n x ref it against. There is for the last 20 years
OK let's use the host rec and the current pes licence holder for that region as the base line and the rpi For inflation
I thought the country had voted Brexit to stop Johny foreigner coming into the country " we've got our country back " one idiotic wannabe politician was shouting while tring to do the goose step ( Farage) . So if we fall out with China can they turn our lights out, and if so that's not hard with such people as Boris the Baffoon running the country.
Certainly nothing should be privatised where the only source of income comes from Government i.e. taxpayers. This is certainly the case of the NHS and should probably be the case with education too. Where that leaves railways, utility companies though I have no idea, since they do have a separate source of income e.g. rail fares, gas and electricty and water bills paid direct by customers. I have never been opposed to partial privatisation although PFI is a disaster as it was applied to NHS and Education (see above) but IMHO the Govt should always have retained the majority shares. Nationalised businesses never fair well since civil servants and Governments are not really elected to run companies but to create the right environment for businesses to work. Current globalisation and Capitalism fails because of the 'trickle down approach. Generating wealth is not the devil, but the lack of fair distribution of that wealth to the people who create it. Regulated capitalism with checks and balances enforced by Governments and , NOT unregulated Capitalism i.e. a mixed economy with some very limited nationalisation is the only way forward. Globalisation resulting in a race to the bottom regarding wages, is a disaster, financial services making fortunes without creating anything of substance and the unequal distribution of wealth are the three main causes of the failing system we have to endure- All IMO obviously.