Your right to an extent, but it's the underhanded way in which May and her cronies are doing it and no doubt getting away with it that grinds really. Once again the more affluent areas that have Central Tory-allied councils will be lending support to the further demise of Social Welfare. Today's news tomorrow's chip wrappers I'm affraid as this country no longer has the same level of universal social conscience it once proudly had.
It's an allegation made by Corbyn re: the reasons for them scrapping the council tax rise. What the hell has it got to do with Brexit?
Instead of trying, and failing, to be a smart arse why don't you furnish me with your political wisdom and explain exactly what the accusations made by Corbyn have to do with Brexit.
Im no smart arse, The Tory party as given concessions to this Tory council in Surrey to stop any interference and embarrassment while trying to get these Brexit deals through parliament. There's a hell of a lot more councils that's been hit by by these Tory cuts but there's nowt for them. Hope that helps.
The Tories wouldn't have offered a similar 'sweetheart' deal to Barnsley council I'm sure even the right wingers on here would agree. In terms of Brexit the Tories are desperate to keep their heartlands on side at all costs to avoid looking divided on the issue when in fact they are the most divided of all the major parties.
It's inevitable that the south will get many more such deals post brexit. Remember. What I told everyone. The referendum was a vote chose who you wanted to support. The Thames Valley or the dearne valley The former won
It's inevitable that the south will get many more such deals post brexit. Remember. What I told everyone. The referendum was a vote chose who you wanted to support. The Thames Valley or the dearne valley The former won
Labour did **** all for barnsley so id hardly expect anyone else to. Its about time we declared independence and invaded sheffield.
You couldn't be more wrong. Over half of the Surrey MP's voted to leave the EU so your numbers don't stack up. Whatever has happened in Surrey, and none of us know for sure yet, it was nothing to do with Brexit.
Once more, a memo was leaked by way of a E mail that a certain Surrey Council who wanted to up the council tax by 15% because of Tory cuts and were about to hold a vote a public vote, but the Tory govenment acording to these 2 emails have given this council concessions (bent b@stards) so as to make a 5% increse and so evert a vote, which would stop any embarrassment while getting there take on Brexit through parliment. Mr Corbin brought this up at prime minister's question time in the house of commons(3 times) like he should, but there was no reply from May as per usual.