For those that dont go near the official site you can get tickets at the ground Reds supporters travelling to Villa Park this evening will be able to pay on the day.. We have so far sold 1,429 tickets for tonight's fixture but supporters will be able to purchase tickets at Villa Park. Head to Villa's ticket booth on Whittam Road. Cash only. There is no price increase. Read more at
Im still trying to decide whether to go 280 mile round trip and wouldnt get back until 12:30am at the earliest but I've never been to Villa Park and this is probably our best chance to get some points there for some time
Right someone to blame when I make the treck and we get stuffed 4-0 and there is an accident on the M40 and I dont get home till 2pm Just about decided to go baring any last minute work panics as I will need to be on my way by 4pm I think - not sure what the traffic is like round Birmingham around 6pm but guess its not great