are there still issues or might it be my pc? Sometimes I can't get in at all, just keeps whirling round, other times I do get in I can't open messages and it seems to freeze up. No criticism at all but is this happening to everybody?
I can't access it either. For long periods of time throughout the day I keep getting Database Error. Suddenly I've just been able to get on after trying for last two hours! Glad it's not just me .
Last night it was really bad for me. Same problems as described above. The site seems very flakey at times of high usage e.g. during and after games.
Ok thanks. Hope it's nothing too serious. We all need to get back on here asap to do a bit of gloating before Saturday... just in case we lose then.
Now that we are establishing ourselves as a big club it may be time to invest in some new technology. I can't imagine any of the regular contributors and readers on here would object to paying for it. Those who would object will just miss out on the ride to the Premier League won't they?