When do the deals for yiadom roberts Mcdonald Bradshaw run until? Will we be facing a similar January it 11 months time?
Think Roberts has 18 months, Yids, Macdonald and Bradshaw all have 2.5 years left if they signed 3 year deals. If we really have learnt our lessons we should be offering them sensible pay rises to extend by 1 year and Roberts 2 or 3 given as Captain we will build around him. The longer on the contract the more likely the players are to sign up as they'll have longer on improved terms, and more security if they were to lose form or injury. If they choose not to sign a new contract, rewarded as they've all shown they can play at champ level, then they're taking a big risk. if the club aren't actively trying to get these guys signed up, when really the club is in best position, then I would be concerned. Might have left it too late with Scowen and Watkins but we're at prime time to extend these guys.
If so then def need sorting asap. Imagine they would both sign up to 3 year deals on improved terms. As long as they don't ask for daft money. Imagine even double your money offers wouldn't break the bank.
They might if offered terms now. Wait until the summer and I'm not so sure. It sounds like a rush but when you have excellent assets, you simply have to move quickly to tie them down. Not unheard of for players to be offered an improved contract only a few months after first signing, granted usually the bigger clubs protecting their future stars. Need to speculate to accumulate. Plus, the fear of them turning contracts is less pertinant when they have ages to go anyway, a player won't down tools in protest for 18 months.
I just don't understand the idea that we should "tie them down" to new contracts. That makes it sound like the players (or their agents) have no say in the matter. Having seen the wages that Conor, Winnall and Bree have gone for, any player would be bonkers to sign a long contract with a club paying amongst the lowest wages in the league. Why do people think they would sign when they could easily double (or more) their wages if they moved on? I think it's sad and a reflection of the state of the game at the high level we're now playing at. Our best players will leave, and the true test will be how we replace them. I believe we've improved on Bree and Winnall, but my jury's out on Conor. I hope the club persuades our stars to sign, but I don't think they will unless they get offered a deal we can't afford.
I doubt Macdonald is in a rush to sign a new deal Norwich are very interested in signing him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We need to get better at contract negotiations build in automatic extensions in our favour matched with performance related pay increases. When we signed Angus he would have signed im pretty sure if we had included a 18 month extension in it now he'd be daft to.
The whole point isn't that they see out a contract. It's that you achieve the maximum fee if you sell them - something we didn't do with Winnall, Bree, Hourihaine, Scowen and Watkins. Very few teams let their star players get into the last 6 months of a contract but we do it on a regular basis. Winnall, Vaz Te were easily worth £2 million at least but short sightedness meant we only got half a million.
True but better to have more time on them for more bargaining power with fees. For example in the summer anyone with 12 months left such as Marc Roberts who doesn't sign a new contract should be sold so we don't have to deal with selling them on the cheap next January.