Off to Saudi to be head ref Guessing its to further his career and nothing to do with cash I can think of a few I wish he would take with him
I read somewhere he was utterly fed up with everything he does being scrutinised, on and off the pitch.
Call me the thick fcuker in the corner if you want....but what's the registration plate C19TTS suppose to read thus making it a problem that needs highlighting in a newspaper article.
Good riddance Still not forgiven him for the game against the Blunts when he gave them 2 penalties, both harsh ones. The only 2 shots they could manage in the game and went away with one of the jammiest points outside of Hillsbrough.
I hope for his sake he's not gay, as it would be a bit of a disappointment if he ended up being beheaded.
Re: Good riddance Me neither. I might phone the Saudi police and say that I spotted Clattenburg with a woman who wasn't his wife. Wouldn't want to get him executed, but I'd be happy to see him get a few lashes in public.
Thanks...for the explanation. ..can't see what the problem is/ was I thought it was something offensive. .tried working it out ...rudest was see 19 tit ees...... God am thick
Here's a view on him from the Guardian
Re: Good riddance Maybe wait till he is there and add the fact he had a bottle of vodka in his hand as well when you saw him - and she was driving
Re: Good riddance That might get the woman some lashes too though, so it would be best to make sure it was Katie Hopkins
Enjoy the dirty money Clattenberg...
Don't blame him. For the stick refs get they get paid a fraction of the pampered football players they have to control. Be plenty more leaving our top flight for better money elsewhere in the next few years I reckon.
Yes but there is leaving for money and there is leaving to go and support an oppressive totalitarian regime. If say someone in France or Germany offered me 5 times my salary to do the same job as I do now I'd be off in a shot - but I wouldn't go to Saudi even if they offered me 50 times my current salary
They don't have to control any players. They merely have to enforce 17 rules. If a player is out of control then a yellow or red card is shown to him and that players wages are irrelevant to that task
Top flight refs here get paid peanuts for the bother of what they have to do. Every decision scrutanised, abuse from the stands etc. Saudi isn't the best place to go granted. But I think the best ref in the country quiting his home league looks bad. Maybe now the FA will do something about it because if they don't an exodus might happen.
average Prem ref gets paid around 70K per year - a retainer of £40K + £1,150 per match Not what I call peanuts, I wish I got paid that for 90 minutes work a week
I also wish my job had as much protection as a professional referee gets. Perform as bad as you want and you will never be sacked, mess up as badly as you want safe in the knowledge there will be no repercussions and your boss will actually defend you regardless of your job performance. If I made a serious **** up that had a big impact on one of our customers at work I would get a bollocking and I know for a fact that the bosses at work would not be defending me to the customer