BBC2 @ 9pm tonight Let's see what awaits fans at the World Cup in Russia Something tells me it won't be handshakes and sing alongs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you go to the World Cup in 2018 you need your head checking. The Russians will be targetting English fans, if you get caught up in it, even if just as a bystander you will find yourself in front of a Russian judge. I honestly think the FA should refuse to let the team go.
To be fair the Russians are nuts Don't need BBC to tell me that I for one wouldn't be attending World Cup in Russia if someone paid me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
To be fair if folk had taken any notice of some of the reporting from prior Ukraine and Poland hosting the Euros, no one would have gone. I do acknowledge that they'll be grave concerns considering what happened in France though.
Will there be foreigners there? I reckon Paul Nuttall will lead our lads against the Russians #Paulnuttalfacts .
Groups of men, with skinhead haircuts, all dressing the same as other men, and organising physical contact with a load of other men. No repressed homoeroticism to see here, oh no. The gret set of bummers.
I still think what went on in France was a scandal. The organised, brutal violence orchestrated by the Russians left some England fans in comas, a couple of lads had their achilles tendons cut ffs. But the press were more concerned with a few drunks chucking chairs back at the Russians and local youths joining in. Due to our reputation up until around 2006, England fans will always be targetted, both by foreign hooligans but also the press and judiciary. The inconsistent punnishments handed out last summer to our fans and other fans proves that mud sticks and the current reality is heavily obscured by past memories. Not worth risking going to Russia unless you do the tourist scene and avoid the drinking side. I'd be confident of not being hurt or arrested, but it isn't worth it in my opinion. Just as a note, I'm not saying some English lads don't still go abroad looking for bother, but this rarely extends past a few dozen here and there literally chucking beer about. Organised violence, ambushes and the frankly weird militiary style attacks of ceratin other countries' followers is a different kettle of fish and should be treated as such.
This really is what they look like inside, complete with the thumbelina hats. To protect your hair from getting burnt, honest. Definitely no latent gayness going on anywhere at all there. And that's before they've all started whacking each other's arses with birch branches.
Professional hooligans if they can be such a thing. Ours are generally sterotyped as gobby drunks. Russia it's like an army. All in sync, gym together, going to woods for bare knuckle fighting. Any of our fans who go there need their heads testing. They know what to expect so if they risk it good luck.
To be fair remember a very similar documentary prior to Poland and Ukraine and very little happened But have to admit they do take it to another level Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The big difference here is they are virtually state sponsored, look at the official statements after their last escapades. Anybody who travels there want their fking lumps feeling.