Close more hospitals and services and recoup more savings. They've smelled blood and labour are too busy attacking Corbyn . It's best chance of gerrin rid they've ever had . Bye Bye NHS.
if you think the NHS will EVER be dropped then you are crazy Can you seriously imagine the outcry that would follow.... also it would be political suicide as almost all in the UK would vote against a party that would try to do that. The NHS has many problems and many issues.... but its still the best health service in the world. No sane politician would contemplate such a ludicrous step.
Re: if you think the NHS will EVER be dropped then you are crazy They are scraping out the shell from inside as we speak with private contracts agency nurses etc . It would be a small price to pay for the Tories being in voted out for a few years . They are trying it on now alienating certain sections ie people who are drunk,drugs etc , next will be the obese then who knows until it's your turn .
I know what you mean Marlon. I for one am maybe in a few who have had nowt but good experiences with the NHS. Apart from once, but that occasion was not the system but a mistake/incompetence by a doctor but that's another story. Our NHS is lauded as one of the best if not THE best in the world... FOR FREE... the welfare state we have too is slated at every chance , but again its one of the best if not, again, THE best. I for one have never claimed any benefits and have used the NHS minimally... but my family on both mine and my wife's side have received some stirling service and on more than one occasion " above and beyond" as it were. BUT there are a lot out there who are taking the piss of both our NHS and our Welfare State. They are the ones that are putting them in crisis and not the politicians. That's my opinion Marlon.. I may be right I may be wrong, but I am entitled to that view.
Re: I know what you mean Marlon. No you are right there are a Few taking piss out of welfare system and NHS ,some are claimees trying it on for a few quid and some are certain landlords wrongly taking huge amounts and using the confusion of the law with the help of lawyers scrutinising loopholes . But stopping people who are in need of these benefits/treatment seems to be this govts answer and it's wrong. There are laws already in place to deal with wrongdoers but there's no will in the system to carry it out ,they need a boot up the backside and telling to get their finger out instead of using it as an excuse to get rid.imo
Re: I know what you mean Marlon. I've just seen a TV advert for a 'pay for' Doctor. 'Get seen fast' - that is the Tories answer, **** the NHS and allow private Docs to hoover up those who can afford to pay, then the rest will have to suffer. Anyone who votes UKIP or Tory is actively destroying our Health Service.
It's a real shame that the general public do not know how much of a crisis the nhs is in. Patient's and staffs health and safety are being seriously compromised on a daily basis. Middle management are dictating the deliberate under-staffing of wards to save money. Indeed our trusts chief executive thanked them for doing so last week. Yep, thanks for saving us money but sod the people being put at risk. We are being ground to dust and nobody is fighting our corner. I've tried but there is a rotten, stinking culture of protectionism here that appals me.
Yep that's about right that mate . We have just had a petition to stop Trump coming on a state visit ( rightly imo ) that's reached almost two million but despite the plight of the NHS which is being covered extensively across the BBC, people are watching as if indifferent . (Maggie ) May and her entourage can't believe there luck . There would have been a blood bath with millions on the streets in its defense 20 or more years ago , what's up with young uns of today ?
Maybe a yawn to you, but our NHS is systemically being run-down and privatised by a political ideology of Tory govt. Then again I wouldn't expect you to be too dissenting against this govt.
What an utterly crass response. Let's hope you or any of your family do not end up in (mental health inpatient services in my case) Never enough staff to keep vulnerable people safe and a high incidence of assault. This is not political at all for me, i have no agenda apart from wishing to work in a safe environment. We are the 5th wealthiest nation on earth but are providing a third world service.
My response was not aimed at the NHS. Like you I'm sick of the NHS being used as a political football and the outrageously biased ramblings I read on here about it. I think everyone knows that funding has increased year on year by both Labour and Conservative governments and that the issues facing the NHS are complex and wide ranging. In my humble opinion just blaming the Tories is crass and is based purely on political bias rather than a willingness to understand the exact problems facing the NHS.
TheTories attacks on the Junior doctors, the nurses and the whole medical profession in general only serves to show what they think about the NHS. They attack local councils with intense budget cuts knowing full well the support/community services will inevitably succumb and increase the load of the zNHS. That's political not biased ramblings.
Re: if you think the NHS will EVER be dropped then you are crazy It's nowhere near the best health service in the world, it's rated on the same level as Slovenia and the Czech Republic. As suggested last week all the parties need to get together and agree on creating a health service that's fir for purpose in the 21st century.
A lot of the problems hospitals are having with their budgets are due to PFI contracts brought in under Labour. Lack of immigration controls during the New labour years have also massively contributed to the crisis. Labour is just as responsible as the Conservatives for the current state of the NHS. But even if you threw all the money in the world at the NHS it is still going to fail because unlimited demand and limited resources can't possibly work.
Yes I mean without those foreign doctors nursers and even porters cleaners etc the NHS would be running so much better wouldnt it. You have a point about the PFI fiddles brought in by Brown which was always just creating problems for future governments but to state that lack of immigration controls is a massive contributer is complete rubbish. It does seem that the Tories want to move to a US style health care system ( without the Obamacare ) and as the Tories are basically UKIP lite any thing that UKIP proposes is going to be even more to the right
Ok mate. Nye Bevan resigned in protest at the introduction of prescripton charges in 1951. There was also the famous quote about 'the cascades of medicine being thrown down peoples throats' in the early days of the nhs: from it's onset it was over subscribed and has always required more funding than was ever expected. It has always been an issue for all governments.
Net immigration is at record levels- why nearly 7 years down the line is this Labour's fault? 1.7 trillion debt - Labour's fault? Record levels of borrowing - Labour's fault? Years of austerity obviously hasn't worked! We talk about crisis in NHS but still we allow big business to get away with dodging taxes. Nhs is one of the finest in the world and its staff some of the most dedicated individuals you could wish to meet - it's almost a victim of its own success as we are all living to an older age which is causing a strain. It does need investment - to improve facilities and to also pay the people who work in the industry a decent wage to help retain them.
Slight correction. Due to the fall in the value of the pound, we are now likely to be 7th richest nation by the end of the year below France and India.