It may be almost a year to the day since I handed in my teaching resignation but I still need to get involved in the annual World Book Day dress up! (It turns out libraries like books too - who'd have thought it?) Normally at this time I'd be posting asking for advice (if the last 3 years is anything to go by ) but this year I am actually all sorted early thanks to finding an old top in the wardrobe from a few years ago and the liberal use of duct tape to complete the look!! I normally enjoy a good laugh reading all your ideas and it would be a shame to miss that this time so instead I'm asking you to guess - what do you think my outfit might be?!
Sheena (is a punk rocker) Dunno if you're old enough to remember punk...... 'twas the duct tape that got me thunking
Nope, haven't a clue I think the duct tape may be throwing people off here. Not that that was my intention or anything...
You're far too young to comment but I imagine you as a dominant "Hattie Jacques" type of headmistress. I've no idea what Hattie used the duct tape for though...
Could do a lot worse than Dakoka Johnson She was great in Ben and Kate long before she become known worldwide. Now that's a sitcom that got axed too early, as happens with so many American shows. No doubt a paper will have their annual story of some kid in a suit being sent home from a school for going as Christian Grey.
It's the duct tape that makes it difficult. Is cardboard involved? I remember as a child dressing up as a robot at a school party, using various sized cardboard boxes held together with tape, duct or otherwise. It took all day to get ready, but the bloody outfit fell apart after 5 minutes at the party.
Regretably, no. There's not much cardboard involved. It was just used to make accessories, not the outfit itself.
I'm flummoxed what book you got your outfit from! <img src =""> Sorry, JamDrop.