Why can't we try this at Oakwell even if for one season ? Surely worth the risk for one season and to fill the stadium every week would be superb. If demand was high, we would just have to open the other hald of the west stand for away fans and home fans could also have the north stand. Then the club would just have to get the match day experience right in terms of merchandising, refreshments etc to take advantage of the increased numbers. Pretty sure that 16 to 17k home fans paying something like the following would generate more income. Adults inc OAP £165 Child (11-16) £100 Under 11's £20
Add on a commitment to purchase full price ST for the following season and you have a point. So, your price + full price total payment, up front or instalments..
This, sadly. I'm predicting a slight increase in price due to our good season with something about "still among the most competitively priced season tickets in the championship" when they're released.
Lovely thought. I'd buy one straight off, even though I only make 6/7 games max, but it won't happen. I'd like to see some genuine study & reasoning around exactly why it's worked for Bradford in the bottom 2 divisions. Tap into that and you might have a decent starting point for getting our prices down.
I'd like to know why Cheltenham can buy a scoreboard for £45k but it would cost us £100k just for the frame. I'd like to know how Burton have made £162k profit and we've lost £950k. I'd like to know why Fleetwood can have a bar and we can't.
I would have thought the difference between us and Burton would be the wage bill through lower wages and slightly smaller overall suad size.
Wolves have introduced a scheme where if they hit 16.5k season tickets (14k adult), they will issue a part refund of season tickets. So no risk to revenue. Maybe another option for the club to look at.
Sadly no chance of us ever doing this. I wish we would... but something scares the powers that be. I'd have thought that as we are to be in the Champ next season then it is more or less certain that due to our relative success this season we will sell the same number of s/ts, maybe a few more, but I'd love to see the ground full of reds fans who have paid that bit less for their s/t. But it won't happen. And next season we'll still be looking at Hudds and Brad as they pack their stands with 15 to 20 thousand, and saying "how come they can do it but we can't".
It's not just the current season ticket holder base that should be taken into consideration. These clubs are on our doorstep and especially as far as Hudds are concerned offering the same product. So it needs to be worked into the maths that someone who is maybe looking to get their first season ticket at club offering championship football but don't yet have a real affinity to a club, will more than likely plump for the ticket half the price. Think big, achieve. Think small and sink.
Those prices are probably why they are in League One, have every chance of being there again next season, and have had 337 spells in administration.
They aren't, but they have a wealthy chairman. Their accounts for last season aren't due yet, but they made a loss considerably bigger than one we just have, the season before that.