Thought you were talking about Man City getting knocked out, that virginity test their owners did on an unmarried pregnant woman was pretty fascistic I thought.
Besides, Wilders is actually standing up to Islamofascists like the guy who killed Pim Fonteyn. He supports Dutch liberal values, gay marriage etc. Bad news for The Netherlands, Europe and European Civilsation that he didn't win.
"Anyone who disagrees with left-wingers tide" in actuality. Pretty dumb of the Dutch actually, they're a small country with a small population, in 50 years they'll be a Sharia state much like Sweden will be.
Do you actually read what you are writing? The Netherlands has a population of 17million, with only 5.5% muslim (the largest minority is atheist at 41%, followed by Christian 25%). To become a sharia state, they'd need to increase that muslim population by about 16 million or so over the next 50 years (to give a muslim majority over a total population of around 32 million), but that still would not give them an electoral mandate to make a fundamental change to the country like that.
Golden Dawn, NDP, Front National, Jobbik, Danish People's Party, Austrian Freedom Party... Technically these all claim to be democratic, but so did Hitler & Mussolini when they started out. Otherwise they share all the same values pretty much.
The only fault I can see there John is that you missed the UKIP party off who share the same values as the other right wing nutcase parties otherwise spot on.
UKIP and the Conservative cabinet are fascists? Yeah right. You lot sound like the Morning Star or the lefty loons on Twitter.
The. Current conservative cabinet are everythingthing people on here have accused the tories of been. These are the same people who have now put them in power Had we had taken the sense informed options. We would have continued. To prosper under a centre party We are going to to back back to the days of the workhouse But public votes for it
It's just silly at this point that you won't just accept and embrace that you are extremely racist and fascistic. It would be like me expressing my values then claiming to be centre left
Actually he did better than OP expected, got 5 more seats and the PM lost 8 and had to copy part of his agenda. And sorry but people who throw gays off buildings, mutilate little girls' privates so they won't enjoy sex when they're older and stone women to death for adultery are way more fascist than anyone in the left's wildest imaginings, they get a free pass from them simply because most are non-white which is hypocritical and ridiculous.