It's pretty obvious when you look at the demographics, average white european has 1.5 children, they have 1.5, increase this over 5 generations and you have 11.3 people in the one family. Muslims average is 3.5, they have 3.5, times that over 5 generations and you have 1,838 in one family, that's how the population will increase massively and that's excluding further immigration; Britain, France, Holland, Belgium will all be majority Muslim in 50 to 100 years. Already a large number of infant and junior schools are majority non-white British.
May, Hammond and Rudd aren't even Conservatives, never mind fascists, they're EU-loving neo-liberal globalists, no different to Cameron or Blair.
I think by they way they've hidden t by e reduction in cooperation tax behind the ni fiasco shows what there intentions are
I think by they way they've hidden t by e reduction in cooperation tax behind the ni fiasco shows what there intentions are
What about those that treat people as second class citizens because they have a different coloured skin, treat women as objects to be owned by men and kill doctors for terminating pregnancies? - that is the Christian principles on show in America. Radical Islamists do not get a free pass, but neither should radical Christians (or any other religion for that matter). The vast majority of religious people of any denomination are peaceful folk that just want to get on with the way they choose to live their lives, but the radical extremists are the ones making the news and are stuck in the middle ages. BTW you are significantly more likely to be killed by your partner, your lawnmower or your bath than by a muslim terrorist outside the Middle East.
Does it say it the bible that you can have 4 wives and as many sex slaves as "your right hand can possess"? You don't think this maybe had anything to do with what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale, Preston, Manchester, Sheffield, Bradford, Oxford, Newcastle, Shrewsbury, Blackpool etc?
The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 & Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9). As for wives, most of the bible says you can have one, but some sections mention people with 2 or more - including one person with 700 wives and 300 concubines. It does say that divorce or marrying a divorcee is a sin though (adultery) (Luke 16:18) And I think that child abuse is evil no matter how you justify it. The biggest single abuser in the country was a white Catholic, the biggest organization accused of child abuse is the Catholic Church.
As an agnostic, I'm sure some my fellow confused have carried out an atrocity or too. Gloria, I know you love your far right ********, but doesn't it say everything that not one other party was willing to Wilders? The man is a fascist in all but name. Read the definition & the only stumbling block to ticking every box is that he claims to support democratic means. As every far right leader in history has claimed the same, before using force to seize power I'm a little skeptical about his claims. Glad the c@@t will now get nowhere. Just need Le Pen to lose as well & they can go back under their stones for 20 years.
How did we end up with this shocking unelected team then farage etc completely or undermined the government with his lies and now we all have to pay for it. Back to the workhouse for us
Just to interlude. There are more people currently doing bird for not paying their tv tax than has ever been convicted of FGM.
The politicians of this area should never be elected again because of their negligence. Not one of them bothered to highlight to the people of Barnsley how we as an area benefit disproportionately from being in the EU or how voting out would hand total power to the london centric Tories who have attempted to decimate the north. Quite how they could fail to push that message as a key campaign tool amazes me and gives me see confidence in their decision making ability. They should be ashamed of themselves really
Could that possibly be because in this country their are currently more people not buying TV licences than their has ever been conducting FGM?
All of that is correct. However, as I've. Previously stated a vote for out is what has put these unelected Shysters im
FGM is a small but viciously horrible criminal activity. Living in NorthLondon I worked for a local authority that was constantly trying to stop premises being used and taking action against them. It was a uphill struggle. I have not a milliseconds time for the scumbags who do that to women.
Gloria, could I suggest you move to America. Somewhere like Alabama maybe. You could still get Barnsley player on the net and I'm sure you'd be much happier among your peer group. Trump is clearly the man for you.
If you think it's bad under the Tories, the country would be in utter ruins under the likes of the green party with their joke of an economic policy. Having a good laugh throughout this thread. Has the BBS become a home for the ultra far left?
So you think that consuming the world's irreplaceable resources at an ever accelerating rate is a sensible way to go on? When all those resources have gone what will we do then? Idiotic.