I mean that's since catastrophe the whole area has been underpinned by the EU. And if you can't see that you're blind
No but what he means is that our area was. An overly simple explanation is like this. the UK hands over £100 a year to the EU The EU gives back £70 a year. The country as a whole loses But Barnsley residents hand over 1/10th of the total so £10 a year The EU gives back £20 of the £70 to the town of Barnsley. The town of Barnsley are beneficiaries of being in the EU. This area has done disproportionately better EU funding than other areas. The question is do you trust a Tory government to continue that disproportionate spending? History, and indeed current allocation of government funds would suggest that they will not do so
do i trust the tories? do i ****. do i think it will be the catastrophe that tyrone predicts? no to this as well.
With a mega rich owner we have as much potential as any other club. To state the obvious. Without a mega rich owner Portsmouth have more potential than us, in terms of support. To suggest otherwise is statistically perverse
You've kinda put your eggs in that basket though. And I'm not taking about. Tories as such I'm talking about the extreme right wing Tories who have advocating brexit
Pretty sure a potential investor would rather a £5 million chip on the price brought about by the repayment of outstanding debt rather than being a few places higher in the league.
Land at the end of the M181, I bet they're breaking their necks for it. Donny with over £500 million on the board, unfashionable clubs with rich owners..
You are comparing apples and pears, as people always do in these arguments. 205,100 is the population of the City of Portsmouth. 91,297 is the population of the town of Barnsley. Their metropolitan area is 1.5 million, ours is 231,221.