Good players hold all the keys everywhere. It's not like it's exclusive to "hapless" Barnsley is it? Lol Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
I only wrote that because this debate has been going on for several days, and it is show no signs what-so-ever of any side winning the argument. It could go on ad infinitum, with no side able to deliver the winning blow. It is not that I expect any result in these things, it is just that myself and Orsen Khat, the poster to whom the remarks were addressed, should be bright enough to realise there is never going to be an arm raised on this one, and I guess that we both have better things to do whilst we wait for Father Time to sort the job out for us. You must make your own mind up, but I am done.
They are often so late that the food has been eaten, the booze has been drunk and all the revellers are laid asleep beneath the tables snoring loudly.
It will be a diifficult summer and may well segue into a hard start to next season. But I'm relishing the days ahead and looking forward to it. As Patrick shows every day is a special day to enjoy not wallow. Let's move on together. It's better to live on your feet than die on your knees.
My mate's just knocked his 2 bedroom down in Perth, Australia. He's going to build a 5 bedroom on the same plot with 3 en suite bathrooms. He's made up about it.
Oh, do it one more time after this one. Go on. We've not had our full quota of condescension yet, and we all know that if you repeat our opinions enough they become fact. If people don't fall in line with your opinion then more fool them. Logic.
Right Mr Red Rain. I know you said you were done, but indulge me just on this one point. Was not the situation in January (12M al ready in the bank, survival just about assured, outside - very outside - chance of playoffs and taking it to another level) different to the customary sensible panorama you paint? Please - on that one point?
Mr Khat, I have great respect for your views and your integrity, so I will break my self imposed silence just this once. The facts are as you state them. We are also guessing that if we had done nothing, we would have lost Winnall and Hourihane 6 months later for nothing, and Bree for a very much lower fee than that we recieved. We know that on normal trading, the club loses money and we are assuming that this will not change now we are playing in a higher league. We know that these losses are currently underwritten by our owner. We know that it is the club policy is to buy or develop young players, improve them using our coaching staffs and when a suitable time arises, sell them on for a profit, thereby increasing the funds that are available to run the club and reducing the demands that the club has to make upon our owner. We know that we sign players on contracts of 1, 2 or 3 years, and we know that the length of contract term is determined by what we want, what the player wants and is often dependant upon other contract terms. Basically, it is never long enough if the player turns out to be good, and never short enough if he turns out bad. We know that length of contract is not the issue it is being made out to be though, since we will need to sell players on a regular basis anyway. We know that the fans are loyal to players, and some fans would pay almost anything to keep certain players at the club, but we know that is not possible because we would not be cashing in on their market value, we would have to pay them at rates that are considerably above the pay scales of their team mates and that is not good for team morale, and we would have to pay them at rates that we simply cannot afford. These are all the fact that I am aware of concerning the decision to sell the players, and specifically Conor Hourihane. We know that if we had allowed these players to walk away at the end of their contracts, it would not have affected us too much in the short term, but with at least 12 players needed before next season, and no guarantee that the player factory will continue to turn out new talent for us to cash in on for ever, there is a danger that it will affect us at sometime in the future. If you are the 'Micawber' type of person, you always believe something will turn up. If you are the 'take the deal whilst it is there because it might not be there tomorrow' type of person. And furthermore, you are the 'regret a missed opportunity to guarantee financial stability for a longer period' type of person, you will kick yourself for missing the chance. I accept that the decision would be different for some of us. I do not bet on the horses. I need the balance of probabilities to be tipped more certainly in my favour before I am willing to invest in something. The training that I received for my career reinforced this natural caution, and though I am now retired, those career lessons are deeply ingrained within me. The Hourihane situation was no more and no less than that. It was a bet and the prospective fee was the stake money. The bet was that if Hourihane stayed, we would be promoted. The odds were not to my taste and I believe the board made the right decision. You may have a different perception of risk and reward, and might reach a different conclusion, and were it your money, there would be no way in the world that I would argue against you taking the bet. Privately, I might doubt your wisdom, but I would not stop you. But that money does not belong to you, or even me. It belongs to the football club, and the Directors of the football club are duty bound under the law to use good judgement and to act responsibly. And that is what I believe they did.
How thick do you need to be to realise Conor and Sam especially were never gonna sign improved deals with us. Their agents had already sorted mega bucks deals for them. Ok we hold onto them and play the season out. What if they'd have downed tools and stopped performing. Conor deserved his move and with our wishes. Sam just wanted out.