Winnall for me. We sell him and he still scores at Oakwell. Any of Roberts, Yiadom and Scowen. I'll probably go for Roberts but all 3 would deserve it.
I went for Davies, but I could've chose Roberts on another day. Honorable mentions to Scowen, Yiadom, Angus and Marley also.
Hourihane. Doesn't matter he's not here as this is the BBS vote. in fact Hourihane should get the main club POTY anyway as we've been crap since he left but Roberts or Davies will win that
I wish we could vote for Hourihane just to point out how much of a shambles the second half of this season has been. Then again, I don't think Heckingbottom needs telling that!
Surprised Armstrong's even got 2 votes. Skill yes, but not enough effort or commitment. Noticed his reaction when McDonald scored last week. Angus was surrounded by his team mates (and a few fans!) whilst Armstrong walked nonchalantly away seemingly underwhelmed.