Do you think this is a good thing , as in something must be done or do you think that the President can't do right for doin wrong according to the left leaning , is he shaking the Big Bears cage just a little or should he show a bit of strength on this
I think it's very scary. The only thing is that they called the Russians beforehand, who then tipped off the Syrians, so the whole thing appears to have been stage managed. A very expensive sabre rattling exercise perhaps? Let's wait and see what the Russian response is. Assad obviously has been given the confidence to perpetrate these outrages because of Russian backing, but the Russians are now saying that there backing is not total.
According to a former UK ambassador to Syria, the evidence that it was a chemical attack by Assad is as tenuous as the evidence that Saddam had WOMD. Sounds like it was Trump wanting to be seen to be doing something, but not really wanting to do something
Makes a change to bomb military targets rather than civilians , not a bad thing for the US to remind Russia 'we can take you out anytime we want to ' . The cynic in me though probably suspects Trump has shares in a Tomahawk missile company
Makes me laugh that chemical weapons are apparently 'crossing the line'. Hundreds of thousands dying over the last few years, many men, women & children been bombed, shot, beheaded, tortured & starved to death & many as a result of the Syrian Government not just ISIS but only now has the line been crossed. They went into Iraq when they shouldn't have & caused a situation which they should deal with but don't want to because of the backlash of the Iraq conflict
"Do you think its a good thing?" - No how can it be a good thing - it is arguably a necessary thing to do but its definitely not good. My problem is I dont know whether the Syrians really are launching chemical attacks on civilians. If they are there is a good reason for the attacks by the US If however this is because Trump wants to be seen to be doing something then its a very bad thing. The 2nd Iraq war for example based on imagined WMD hasn't been a good thing by any measure - unless you are a weapons manufacturer.
I did quantify my comments on being a good thing by saying, as in something must be done, must have flown by you that one Hth
The whole thing seems highly stage-managed, I wouldn't put it past the Americans to have executed the Chemical attack in the first place as an excuse to get more involved. It all seems a bit strange from a President who's campaign included stuff about stopping the USA from being the "Policeman of the world".
You must live in a different universe to me , to think the Americans executed a chemical attack just to get more involved, unbelievable Jeff
We all live in an alternative universe mate, one that sprang into being last year. My post wasn't meant to be taken so literally; I wouldn't expect the Yanks to do that either but they have done some monstrous things in the past like supporting Saddam Hussain while he was killing his own people for 20 years. Basically nothing surprises me much anymore. Oh, and we're no better either.
I heard the guy on the radio, he was knowledgeable and spoke a lot of sense. Assad had nothing to gain and everything to lose from carrying out the attack, which benefits nobody but the Jihadis and the US who want Assad out. The saddest thing is watching a lot of people (who would usually agree with the US bombing countries on somewhat spurious evidence) suddenly finding themselves disagreeing because it's Trump doing it. The mental hurdles some people are leaping is to be admired. Then there's the Lib Dem leader Tim Farron siding with Trump, saying it's a good thing. All pretty messed up. Edit: You can see the guy on Breakfast TV here
It's likely Jihadi's carried out the attack to provoke the desired response. My point was that history is littered with false flag attacks, so for you to say it's impossible is naive.
Syria is a country now decimated by tribal poltical and religious extremisim. This isnt the first or will it be the last gas attack in syria. Most of the attrocities carried out over there have been by the rebels. As many being political disputes between different rebel factions as much as trying to remove assad.