@andytyke has very kindly put together a fantastic new alternative theme for the site for those wanting a bit more red in their BBS lives If you go to very the bottom of the page on the left there is a selector where you can now choose this Barnsley theme Apologies from me as well as I had planned to do some more work on this theme (I thought @SuperTyke had some good suggestions in the feedback thread) but I feel like I haven't had a spare minute for weeks as I'm essentially doing two jobs right now with a new software venture that I'm working on when I'm not doing consultancy. Anyway, please let us know your thoughts.
Only nitpick I have is that I think there should be some more difference between sticky and non sticky posts. I also dont personally like the narrow width, it's very 00's. I can fix these things myself locally though using Stylish, so don't change it on my count.
I'm torn, I do really like the new layout but on the other hand I've got use to waking up with Hicksy every morning.
Looking better, so I will try it out and see if it works for me over the coming days. Its just the badge that irks me. It ought to be the current official club badge.
Really like it. I think the new forum layout overall is miles better. Much easier to use on mobile too.
Not a fan of the narrow width either. Will ask if @andytyke if he can do a 100% width version as well. Other than that I like it. As for the sticky's it might mean a few more people read them
Full width version now available to select, Or maybe we could have some sort of comp to design a our own bbs logo
It looks great Andy. Any chance you could have a look at the pop up issue please? The little android app box pops up every button i press in the BBS and it's getting a little unusable because of it.