You really need to wind your neck in and start reading who said what because you can get right up peoples backs when you assume what people said so as to label people. You come across as the worst kind of liberal warrier. There's none so intolerant as those who wear their tolerance as a badge.
People like you are part of the problem. Your first reaction to any debate that you don't like is to shout racist or bigot or to construct a straw man argument to validate your own point. Extremists exist on both sides, both as intolerant as each other. So are you going to say what you really meant?
Dus Tha No III Sorry but I take great exception to your comment towards myself saying that, and I quote. "you people will use anything as ammo" News of the incident was coming through as an attack on the Dortmund team bus. Mixed reports. It was my assumption after hearing those reports that it was more than a fire cracker. In fact possibly something more serious. My comments were made in general of things which are going off in the world atm. And not this incident in particular. So I am not the kind of person who looks for ammo to put over a point against anyone. I may be a lot of things but 1 thing I most certainly am not is a racist. Which by your reply is what you were trying to make out.
So people getting attacked by cars and lorries and now IEDs are "firecrackers", the left will do absolutely anything to avoid mentioning either "Muslim" or "terrorism".
You don't help yourself do you mate with daft comments like. While Gloria is obviously clinically insane it's wrong to tar everyone with the same brush. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. Not everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot. You help no one and discredit your views with this tomfoolery.
Police statement paraphrased cos my germans *****... 3 explosions targeting the team bus. Explosives were serious in nature. Packages were hidden 4th package located. Letter found at the scene Treating it as attempted homocide. Barta seriously injured.
Fecking hell! Some of you would turn a post about "celebrity bake off" into a slanging match. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
Police are currently investigating two avenues. 1- islamic extremists based on the contents of the letter found at the scene. 2- an Anti facist movement based on online posts claiming responsibilty.
Whilst I agree with you completely on this, we don't have the same attitude towards "accidents" - mostly concerning vehicles driven in an entirely inappropriate manner. The death-toll on our roads due to thoughtless and outright dangerous driving massively outnumber the few killed in terrorist incidents. As far as I can see there is little difference between a terrorist with a bomb and a boy-racer in a souped-up golf tearing round the streets in a ton of lethal metal, rubber and plastic. Or the moron sending text messages while they are "in control" of a vehicle. I fully expect to be castigated for this.
Brush I see exactly where you are coming from with this. Yes there are far more avoidable deaths coming from reckless driving / texting at the wheel / speeding etc. But I very much doubt any of those guilty of such actions went out with the sole purpose of injuring or ending someone's life. Where as a bomber goes out with only 1 intention. Thankfully terrorist incidents are extremely rare where as bad drivers are all around. So what would you suggest? Can't hang the culprits.
Not going to disagree with you. In terms of likelihood of death or serious injury, motor accident is significantly more likely than terrorism, as is your partner (particularly if you are female), your lawnmower and your bathtub.
Dunno mate, I'm not putting forward any solutions to either terrorism or dangerous driving. However, I think that putting an end to terrorism is probably more achievable - witness the end of the armed struggles in Ireland and the Spanish/French border country. Sadly any society will always contain a minority of antisocial/criminal/ignorant/selfish people who will make life unpleasant or dangerous for the rest of us.