Are there any out there who think I ought to change the name under which I post? I was thinking of "Titan" to fit my self image but it appears as though I'd be foreshortened to "TIT" in big letters by the side of each post. Most apt, you may conclude. Are there any other posters who can be compressed into 3 big letters more suitable than their posting names? Red Rain could be GOD obviously. Or NAP if its one of his long posts. A few could fight over SAD MAD may well be Nudger's territory. This system's made for JAY - no effort required.
I've learned something this evening. I would have said "more polite", but after extensive research I can confirm that "politer" does actually exist. Another brain cell permanently used up.
I did have 'much more polite' but it looked weird so I changed it. You should look in the 7 (or is it 8 now?) page 'just saying' thread. Jimmy Cricket uses a cracking word.
These auto Avatars just show the first 3 letters of your username in random colours. I thought they looked better than loads of members with a grey ?'s If anyone doesn't like them they can easily add their own avatar lol I was just about to post suppose Jay doesn't mind