Pre-match if you wanted to watch the dinnertime KO but did not want to go in Chennell's, Chamber's or Corner Pin?
What in the Michael. Collins suite Some of the material they have in the walls in that pub is extremely. Offensive
Not now, Tyrone. Always wondered, does Annie Murrays serve ale? Or is just the usual lagers and Guinness? Same for courthouse? I don't live in Barnsley anymore but I never went in either.
Totally agree but a decent pub at the same time. What they've got behind the bar spoils the good atmosphere the bar has. Plus it only has BT and not Sky.
I'm setting up a camp on that pile of rubble behind the West Stand. I have white lightning available at a very reasonable price.
The owners a celtic fan too, and that's a big enough reason for me to not put any cash in their till.