Heres our home and away shirts from those 20 years... covering Seasons 1980-81 to 2000-01. Theres some good and memorable ones, and theres some poor ones and the starry thing in 1989 is an absolute shocker!! (surely the bloke who designed that starry thing was on a bit of aceeeeed!! lol) What then are your favourites and maybe least favourites from these shirts ?
Oh the star kit. I loved it at the time but as the years passed I did wonder what the heck we were thinking about. It's novel design has given it an iconic status amongst some fans and it made a bit of a comeback via WSB didn't it?
Of the away shirts, the white Lyons Cakes one and the cream Ora one are both very classy. The green Big Thing and the blue one from the promotion season are proper horror shows though. I found the green Pelada one at my mum's last week - decent shirt, and still fits me, in a figure hugging sort of way.
I I used to love the cream Ora one, but it hasn't aged very well in my opinion. On the flip side, never had much love for our home shirt from 96/97. It seemed a typical 90s tacky design, but since they were reproduced this season, I think it looks quite decent now.
The white with black shoulders by umbro is my favourite away shirt and has been since it came out in the mid 80's, the cream admiral ora shirt is ******* 'orrible, it looks like it's caked in stale man fat, sithi.
Ive always preferred our shirts when they are just simple, and not too flashy. The white n black away kit always used to be popular so I cant understand why we started messing about with yellow, green, and blue. But as there are teams who wear red n white stripes for example, I suppose we need a third kit then.