Corbyn is the establishment's worst nightmare. I can't believe the suggestion that this will be a walk over. I honestly think he will do much better than many think. But I expect the Tories will still win, in the main because of the warring factions in the Labour Party. I will be voting Labour, because of Corbyn. Because I agree with his policies and how he behaves. I'll be on holiday for the election though, so if it goes badly I'll just stay there.
This is exactly how I feel. I admit that I usually vote Labour because I've been brought up that way but this time I'm able to vote for someone who's policies align more with how I think than any other politician I've known. Obviously I'm not going to fully agree with everything he says, I don't fully agree with my best mates and my husband on everything so it's incredibly unlikely I would with a stranger but I like what he says enough to know that I want him to be PM.
I don't think anybody can claim they were not aware that leaving the EU also meant leaving the single market and other EU institutions. The leave campaign made it quite clear throughout their campaign.
When people say to me that he's useless or rubbish or unelectable I just say "why" and that is usually followed by a silence and a blank look, I then say which of his policies don't you like, again blank looks cos nine times out of ten they don't know a single policy.
I am not sure that the tory majority in the commons will increase that much. However, for Labour to actually win this election they have to keep every seat they currently have and turn around 100 seats red that didn't vote for them last time, when all the polls suggest that they will be hard pressed to keep the seats they have. Utterly inconceivable. if Labour were to win this election then I would suggest that the polling industry needs to be outlawed because they would have proved themselves to be so inaccurate as to render them utterly worthless.
Just leave this here for perusal. 'Since 2004, European Union law has allowed governments to control movements of EU citizens as follows: allow EU citizens to circulate freely only for 3 months and then require them (should they want to stay longer) to show they are working (employed or self-employed), a registered student, or have sufficient resources (pension,savings) to support themselves and comprehensive sickness insurance. The UK government is one of the few governments that has not implemented this. For over 6 years, Theresa May was in charge of the Home Office, responsible for immigration, yet did nothing to adopt these conditions. One wonders why not and why immigration was allowed to dominate the Referendum and is still being paraded as a big problem. Yet another failure of our own government and the Home Office under Theresa May is being blamed on the EU. The remedy was always in the UK's hands.' Clause 1 Workers’ rights of movement and residence
Someone should have told both boris and farage then as both said we would stay in the single market like Norway
Really? I remember Boris saying we'd retain access to it not that we'd remain in it. We still don't know if this will be the case. I certainly don't remember Farage saying it either.
Never. But they have never been out by a margin of error of 24%. If that was to be the case then you'd get more accurate results than that by plucking them out of a tombola at random.
They got Brexit very wrong. However, I agree that it would take some shift for Labour. But you never know. In an ideal world they'll pull it off. But if not, I hope they close the gap and that maybe a younger, more dynamic and appealing leader takes over from JC but carries on down a very similar path.
Please see quote from Boris and one from Gove. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Take Sky News. Virtually every interview is preceded with "But Corbyn is Unelectable isn't he ?" Rinse, repeat ad infinitum
That's because Labour policies are never given any airtime . The media don't give them any press. The BBC, run by Tory Grandees certainly don't give them any airtime
The only way to have access to the single market is to either be in it or accept all the requirements of it including freedom of movement. So they are one and the same. The rest is semantics. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
This will be part of the negotiations over the next two years. We may reach a deal, we may not, but my point was that it was made clear during the referendum campaign that if we voted leave we would be leaving the EU and all of its institutions. For people to claim that they didn't know that leaving the EU also meant leaving the single market (when free movement is an integral part of membership) is disingenuous at best.
That's because Sky is owned by a Tory backer. As are the Mail, Sun, Independent, Telegraph etc etc etc. And, most of those folk are either foreign (ironic) or live outside the UK. I've no idea why the BBC are rimming the Tories though. They're publicly funded. Channel 4 is where you'll find the fairest coverage of any election etc.
Absolutely. Which is also why the term "hard brexit" is also a disingenuous play on words. People are castigating the tories for following an unnecessary "hard brexit" path. Well I am sorry but that just means they are carrying out what was voted for - they are pulling us out of the EU and all its institutions. Anything else is not brexit. "Hard brexit" means Brexit "Soft Brexit" means "Not Brexit" Anyone who voted for Brexit who wants Brexit needs to bear that in mind when voting. I really do not trust anyone else to deliver brexit. Some people would be happy to try and fob the country off by taking the EU flag down from the town hall and calling that brexit.