Obviously the right thing to do is never speed and this won't effect you. But people will get caught speeding. I don't see how linking a fine to people's wages is fair. 2 people getting caught for the exact same offence should get the same fine. Someone on an higher wage doesn't necessarily have more money than someone on a lower wage. Is there a standard find for the unemployed?
Isn't this only if it goes to court? I thought the same fixed rates still applied if you accept them, and don't challenge.
And on the flip side 50% of somebody on minimum wage's earnings means they simply won't be able to afford their mortgage/rent etc as they do not very often have 50% of it left behind after paying all their bills whilst somebody on £5k a week should if they are smart have enough savings.
As I have read it, as from tomorrow the way your fined is changing to the above. There's no mention of it only being for offences that ho to court, but it does say that you can still be offered a course to avoid the fine which is only available to first offenders if they reply immediately. So I think the fixed fines have gone
Fck me they're a bit excessive. I get it for doing 50 in a 30 but half yer wage for 31 in a 30 is ludicrous. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If you dare to do 61mph on the M1 at 7am and you live on minimum wage you will be fined so much that you only have £127 to pay all your bills and live off. For doing 61miles per ******* hour on a motorway
Daft int it. No doubt they'll keep cutting police funding so they will get their funding through schemes like this and put their resources into catching speeders rather than more serious crimes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yep and the PERMANENT speed limit reduction on the M1 has been brought in quietly as well hasn't it. At least they've capped the fines though so the very rich dont get stung as much as the poor.
Smart motorways are the worst thing that has ever happened on them. Just a law abiding way of lowering the speed limit and having permanent cameras everywhere. And don't think they just flash you when they show a speed. The ones near Denby dale on m1 are permanent. They will get you doing over 70 even though they're not lit up.
The section theyve just done between 35a and i think 28? is different though, instead of the speed limit changing when there is an obstruction or heavy traffic flow like the rest of the country it has a PERMANENT speed reduction in place 5 hours a day forever regardless of traffic flow
Called taxation by the back door. Tories claim to be party of low taxation. This proves that to be ******. I agree people exceeding speed limit by 20mph should be severely punished.
Wonder how they gauge "weekly earnings" because any director of a company I've ever met "earns" minimum wage.
It's about time they stuck cameras on traffic lights to catch all those wnakers that go thru on red, no need to increase speeding fines then. They'd make a billion a week at £50 a pop...
I destest red light cameras even more than speed cameras. I have no idea what point they trigger (i.e. if you go through right at the point it goes red so you are half way over the junction by the time they have activated will they get you). So invariably if the lights change and I am still close enough to see it I end up doing an emergency stop to avoid risking it. Its improves safety no end.
I've never been done for speeding in 27 years of driving and I drive between Around 700 hours per year but this kind of persecution against the driver is an absolute disgrace. There are more and more confusing scenarios on motorways which hold your attention away from the actual driving itself and so I'm not surprised that people get caught out. The worst bit for me is that the traffic police will do a little fist pump over taking food off a families table because lets be fair once again it will be the people who get off their arses and go to work that are being attacked again. If fat bloaty white Sandra gets pulled speeding on her third trip of the day to greggs in her spanking new zafira she has from falsely claiming disability, then her dole (sorry disability) money will still be available for her to spend on bennys the following Thursday. As we all know this is not a road safety issue but a cash cow
Speeding IS a serious crime, many lives are lost every year due to motorists exceeding speed limits. Excessive speed is cited in a huge proportion of vehicle collisions. If everybody were to stick to speed limits it would massively reduce the death toll on our roads and free up resources which could then be deployed in stopping crime.
utter nonsense. Every single police officer put excessive speed down as a contributory factor. Speed is listed as a factor in 93% of accidents - so logging speed as a factor is regardless of whether the speed limit is being broken. the reason being if you weren't going too fast to stop you would have stopped and a lower speed would increased your likelyhood of stopping and reduced the damage caused. The guidance on whether speed was a factor is not whether the driver was breaking the speed limit - it is whether a reduced speed would have had a different less severe outcome. I can't for a minute understand therefore what the police officers in the other 7% of cases are thinking of- but is convenient for govts to use these reports which putting in speed camera's,etc. However to my point - your first two sentences have absolutely nothing to do with the third. Just because you are within the speed limit does not mean your speed is not excessive. Similarly on a motorway the statistical safe speed is 87mph. So driving at 90 on your speedo and thefore breaking the speed limit - does not mean on it's own that your speed is excessive. this can be seen by simply how safe our incredibly safe our motorways are. The death tolls on our roads is tiny. Less than 2% of deaths are due to breaking the speed limit alone. It is also thought that many deaths on the roads are suicides - but are recorded as road traffic accidents, so here speed limits don't make a blind bit of difference. What makes me sick are the Sheeple who say - if you don't speed you've nothing to worry about - when they haven't even considered why the speed limit is what it is. I mean a 40mph speed limit and a 70mph make NO sense whatsoever - so why have them? if the amount of money and resources were applied to other causes of death with similar numbers then there would be a dramatic fall in fatalities - it's just in those instances you wouldn't have the convenient by products of population control or the stealth taxes this neffarious activity raises.