I have daughters my little friend though they are already past the age where they think Emoji's are cool. Being 4 and 6... They now use grown up language ypu might try it one day. I can get them to help you if you need it with the big words...
So what about the 11 year old girls you've referenced to at least 3 times in this thread? How are you so familiar with their use of emjois and how do you know they grow out of it after that age? Its really creepy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're getting beyond the pale now. Nowt wrong with heated debate (is there any other kind on the BBS?) but it's you who is getting "really creepy".
I have 3 nieces who are 11, 12 and 13. The more interesting question is surely why you use emojis as a grown man. if you want to groom people you are probably on the wrong site. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Far be it from me to interrupt but you are both being a bit dicjish with those kind of comments. It's pretty obvious that redarmychris doesn't use emoji's to groom kids and it's also pretty obvious that Jimmy cricket doesn't know about emoji's because he's a paedo which was the insinuation. Hows about you both pack it in? You're both Barnsley fans and not only that but you're both decent members on here who have pretty much no reason to fall out, you just have differing views on how the season has gone. Is that really enough reason to call the other a paedophile? Now pack it in or I'll set tinatyke onto you.
Aye you're right. I was enjoying the wind up but it's a bit daft now. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app