Hypocrisy at its finest. You can't have nuclear weapons they're dangerous but we are keeping ours to threaten you with.
OK I'll have one more go! Country A and Country B have nuclear weapons Chance that one fires on the other Risk level 1 Inc rease number of countries increases risk of conflict (and chance of nuclear material falling into hands of terrorist organisations)..... A+B +C A vs B or B vs C or C vs A Risk level increases threefold 3 A + B + C + D A vs B A vs C A vs D B vs C B vs D C vs D Risk level increase x 6 A + B + C + D + E A vs B A vs C A vs D A vs E B vs C B vs D B vs E C vs D C vs E D vs E Risk level increase x 10 etc etc That is why proliferation is to be avoided. And I recall the OP was about Nuclear weapons not who invaded who
As I said in the first reply. The genie is out of the bottle. There is no hypocrisy in stating that the major powers have the maturity and arsenal to guarantee MAD and thus maintain a balance. Rogue states like NK and unilateral disarmament of one or more of the Nuclear superpowers upsets the balance of power. As others have said, I sleep better knowing that a huge conventional force like NK is kept on the leash due to fear of nuclear retaliation should they start any conflict. Morally, nuclear weapons are a blight on humanity but you cannot uninvent them. Only in your naive and idealistic world would you remove the tool that keeps us at arms length from potential aggressors. And if you truly believe Trump Putin, May, Xi Jinping or any future president of France would order a pre-emptive nuclear attack then you are living in fantasy land as they all know where it would lead. Not so sure about NK though