I don't understand how you can't see the difference between a customer giving constructive feedback and someone being able to do a job they are paid to do. There's no reason that Conan or SuperTyke should be able to do better, they're not paid to do so and haven't ever claimed to an employer that they should be put in charge. That doesn't mean that as paying customers they can't suggest improvements or pick fault with a poor service. If you had a complaint at a restaurant etc. because the food was cold, or the menus were ripped or the seats were dirty would you expect to be told by someone at the next table that you should go in the kitchen (or wherever's appropriate to your complaint) and do better? Or would you expect an apology or discount or at the very least an improvement next time? Especially if you had committed to a whole year's service upfront.
It is an even worse analogy than that. He doesn't suggest doing better than the failing waiter who served cold food. He says that if you complain you must buy the restaurant
But if that was the case and the restaurant kept losing custom it may close, and no-one wants that to happen. Also, if he'd bought a whole year's worth of food in advance then he's hasn't got much choice. He still want the delicious food the restaurant serves up, he just wants it warm and in pleasant surroundings.
For me the most annoying thing with it is that when we're going well they're nowhere to be seen, yet when we're struggling they're having the same digs time and time again. I think they just like a good moan.
It's stalling. SuperTyke is insisting on bringing you in in some kind of advisory role. I'm in two minds.
Thats because I read his application and you didn't. Anybody who says they can run a household for less than £50 a week is in line for a top job from me.
I rèad it as he didn't see how anyone could need more than £50 per week. Contract negotiations will be a nightmare.
What happens to that restaurant if everyone stops going. You're not adverse to the odd moan yourself by the way.
You're right. Maybe we should put him in charge of cost cutting at the club but make sure he's nowhere near the playing staff? I've got the perfect job for him anyway. I.Th.ink t.hat he sausages.chips in Ch.arg.eo f the orthopedic.web.sight.
Wow, you waited a whole 9 minutes, I wasn't even reading the board at that point. ST especially has given loads of constructive posts and has even contacted the club with them before. I'm not waiting back through their almost 30,000 posts but you're welcome to do so.
I'll tell you what - you transfer the monies and provided I've got the bandwidth we'll have a strategy meeting next week. Just to keep you in the loop - we're buggered on adult hime shirts for next season. We've ordered 212 and as this was placed in 2012 it cannot be changed.