Possibly the best post on here in years. I haven't laughed this hard since my granny got her left tit stuck in the mangle Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Corner shop at Main Street & Blythe Street Chippy (I believe) at the bottom of Bartholomew Greenside school
I remember the shop, though the name had escaped me. Also Bond Street strangely had TWO shops. Can you remember 'Egg Man' on the market who somehow made a living only selling eggs?
There was Merryweathers shop right at top of Main Street off the crossroads there. They used to sell us booze at 14, bless em. Does anyone remember when Barry Chuckle had the shop for a while down near Tracky sheds? I've never met anyone yet who remembers it to the extent I'm beginning to think I dreamt it or imagined it with all that booze he used to serve me underage.
Is the Reform Club still going strong.? 'Ar lasses grand parents were Steward and Stewardess there before re-locating to Donny to run a pub.
Thank you for confirming that. Anyhow, I bet the original poster has had six meals since politely asking for a recommend. Think this one drifted well off the point. Rayt, off for a quick swim in t'Pit Pond.
who remembers that chinky at the top of school street,this must have been one of the first in the area