God knows what's going to happen. To communities like this post brexit
The thing is under Blair and Brown people were saying saying Labour had lost its identity and needs to go back to its traditional values. Corbyn represents more of those traditional Labour values than any other current Labour Politician, yet some people see UKIP as the answer. These people need to open their eyes. Also, how much of that £100 million investment came via the EU? Edit. Forgot to mention what an unbalanced piece of poor journalism that was.
If you think Grimethorpe, The Dearne Valley region or any other former mining or industrial deprived area would've received the level of investment from. a British Govt, and in particularly a Tory one, you are very much mistaken. Indeed, much time was lost during the Thatcher and Major years because their Govts wouldn't agree to to where this EU money was going.
I'm from Grimethorpe, absolutely no dilemma here for me or any of my mates who I grew up with - Corbyn and Labour all the way. Nice piece of irony where people are complaining about jobs going to foreigners with one breath whilst saying that their family have gone abroad to look for work with the other.
I own property there and almost all of my tenants are ukip . Even the ones who have jobs on park springs. I had one say we need to get shut of the pakis and wouldn't have it when I pointed out ukip want to encourage. Imegration from the commonwealth
And a couple.Of chaps talking the the post office genuinely. Thought Eric pickles was the mp for that areas
I do have to laugh at the group of people who vote for certain parties purely on the basis of what their parents vote for or based on political policies from 30 to 40 years ago, rather than looking at what is being put in front of them today. Plus those who look at casting their vote purely on the leader of the party. Personally I think we are well overdue a complete re-think in terms of electoral reform. I'd like to see a 3 pronged approach so :- We vote independently for a party and for a candidate. Party votes are counted on a nationwide basis and would decide the ruling party and PM, whilst your local candidate is elected in the current way we elect an MP. So we could end up with a Labour government but with more MP's from another party. In addition to this, I would formally scrap the house of Lords in favour of a representative house made up proportionally by the party votes cast nationwide at each general election. So this would mean that the parties who attracted a good proportion of the votes across the country yet didn't win seats would still be able to provide a voice for their supporters. This when bundled up as our democratic system would offer the fairest way of making sure that everyone gets a voice rather than this silly two horse race we see each election. The bit I have't worked out is how to entwine the elected MP house with that of the new representative house, in terms of voting etc.. I do think it has the foundations of a fairer more representative system though.
Along that type of model yes but trying to steer away from voting for a person rather than a party. Essentially your voting for the party on a nationwide level but you may feel that for instance an independent local MP has more affinity with your local area rather than someone drafted in to a safe seat etc..
In fact not really the US model, more down the lines of the one used in New Zealand. Just seems fairer.
They give us a fraction back of what we give them; the emphasis is on what we give them. It's our money yet some talk like they generously give us money plucked from the magic money tree. I have no idea where post Brexit investment will be allocated and neither do you.
I thought the post-Brexit investment was to make the UK a tax haven off the coast of Europe - or was that last months plan?
I'm sure the people of Barnsley give more to the tax man than we receive back from Central Govt. The point is it should go to where it is needed the most and without prejudice. Perhaps the problem is that folk who live in more affluent areas and areas probably untouched/not damaged by industry haven't seen much EU funded regeneration and probably have no idea how vital it is to areas like ours.