If you truly looked at each parties manifesto and believed that the conservative one suited you the best out of all the others........would you vote for them or would the past stipulate this decision still. Personally I'm undecided and I think you could put a homing pigeon in charge of the Labour party and Barnsley will vote it in. On a personal note......im undecided for the first time in years as to what I'm going to do. I'm going to listen to the debates and manifestos and base it in what I think suits myself and my thoughts on how the country should be run. Just a thought Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
They have no policies so unless you like fox hunting which is the only thing they have committed to reading the manifesto would be pointless. Probably just a picture if Theresa May chasing a fox wearing a t shirt that says strong and stable. Or you could go for one that wants to provide you with NHS care, free university to stop your kids getting into a hundreds grands worth of debt before they start life. A railway service that works for people not profit. Investment in schools and the police. The way our country used to be before Thatcher ruined it. I'm not normally a Labour voter but given I don't like fox hunting don't care either way about Europe then I might just start. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
I'm glad we're good at fox hunting. That ******* Arthur Hutchinson deserved all the punishment the state gave him once the law had caught him
Only one thing I'd say about that - I'd urge you to vote on what you think would suit the country best, rather than yourself (I know it's maybe just the wording you used) but I reckon it's important not just to vote with an 'I'm alright jack' mentality. A Tory government would no doubt suit me better personally to the tune of several thousand quid over the term, but would it be the best thing for Britain?
I'll look at all the party policies with an open mind and decide who to vote for accordingly. Everyone should be doing the same.
When even John major is unsettled by Tory plans to dismantle the NHS under cover of Brexit you should be seriously concerned.
i don't normally get into the politics thing on here. I respectfully think that everyone would vote labour if that vision of utopia above was actually going to happen. But with Abbott doing the sums, others spouting nonsense and JC in charge, then I just cannot see any of that happening in the next term of office. or the one after. As for the Tories ........ cannot believe a word they say. Of course a measure of austerity and common sense was needed, but it has been overly harsh and downright cruel. I actually like May - I just don't like their manifesto, neither do I believe for one minute they will honour it. I think when Cameron took over, he could have created a government to last for donkeys years. Then he turned liar ..... without reason. And in tandem with Osbourne created a term of cruelty. I hate seeing the North suffer as it has. I hate the divide. And I hate the fact he threw a monumental decision out to the people who were never qualified enough to know the right answer. It will carry on under May. UKIP? Certainly not. Lib Dems. So wishy washy in their desire to please everybody in equal measure, but lacking the balls (or the manifesto) to tackle the real issues. There is **** all else. The Tories will walk it because there is simply no credible opponent. But if the unpredictable happened (I mean who thought last time would be a landslide?) and Labour got in, I think the confusion and chaos that would follow would be a long term disaster. I honestly don't know what to do. I cannot vote for any of the four above, but I'm a long time believer that no vote is a wasted vote.
It's funny, you never hear people say "you could put a blue rosette on a foxhound and it would get voted in in Wokingham" but it's always been used as a stick to beat Labour voters in working class towns.
Spot on. I actually used the term in a post last week. I shouldn't have. What I'll say is, I see a Tory leader going out trying to win seats in areas where previously it was pointless. I see Labour touring in Manchester, where they have just voted a scouser in to be mayor. What's the point? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When the leader of the Labour Party is being undermined by his own party workers and officials you have to wonder what their real motive is ? Certainly not a socialist one.
Hate that you could stick a red rosette on a donkey and it would win type of analogy - idms that the case for any party's safe seats
This is a decent summary. The Tories are the only ones who have their act together and are prepared for power, but what they'll do with that does not bode well for Barnsley, nor anyone who isn't already above comfortable/have any issues in their life like disability/low income/elderly relatives etc. There needs to be a huge structural shift in British politics, but it's not going to happen under the Tories, and they're the only ones who'll become stronger without it happening. I'm worried about the future.
The entire notion that any of these sheltered witless pratts from any of the parties mentioned have anything in common with the working man is insulting. How many of these clones have tried keeping a roof over their families heads working self employed on sites through a recession? Get some life experience first you ******* children and then come for my vote. We're in touch with the working man? Grow up
Jeremy Hunt co-authored book calling for NHS to be replaced with private health insurance. Copies available on Amazon. Badly written but clearly shows his agenda.
Other than the media. What makes you doubt Corbyn's abilities? Abbott is an idiot and an indefensible one but don't confuse someone presenting a policy (badly) to someone formulating and developing a policy. All parties have their own idiots. Step forward Boris. In terms of the economy until the economic crisis Labour managed it well. After that the tories have increased the budget deficit despite of because of their ideologically driven austerity. Better to look towards hope not hate. Yes Corbyn may not be able to implement all his policies (few parties do) but the overall direction of society would be positive.
Sorry Jimmy but they haven't. Deficit 2010 £103bn, £40bn in 2016. The deficit in 2008 was £20bn which rocketed to the 2010 level which was mainly fed by the financial crisis and the recession.