For the record, windows xp went out of support in April 2014, so it is very doubtful there is a patch for it. For the last few years, anyone buying licences from MS has got the latest licence which gives permission to use older OSs. There is very little practical reason not to update for most dsktop or laptop computers, except for lack of resources in the IT dept. At least one NHS trust has paid up. Apparently, Russia has been hit worse due to the dodgy licensing practices there. Unlicensed windows doesnt automatically install the required update.
When Labours manifesto was leaked it was odds on that every right wing paper would refer to 1983 and call it the second longest suicide note in history. Instead they went further and said "Corbyn is dragging Britain back to the 1970's" That phrase is used to inflict damage because Tory spin doctors have previously portrayed that decade as grimmer than the 1340's when Black Death was in vogue. The 70's saw Bowie, the Clash, Rigsby, Fawlty, affordable football and kids becoming the first in their generation to attend University for free. Working class communities were yet to be destroyed by Thatcher whose economic blueprint was based on individual greed, that's why in the 70's inequality reached its lowest point ever. If Labour offers to undo some of that damage by re-nationalising the railways ( that could take 15 years by the way), bringing in £10 as a minimum wage, forcing salary caps on fat cats and funding schools and hospitals sufficiently ,what's not to like about a 70's style revival? Especially when you look at the alternative on offer. A one way ticket back to the 50's. Theresa May and husband on the One Show evoked memories of Arthur Askey and Joyce Grenfell. A pair of Harry Enfield sketch throw backs talking about boy jobs and girl jobs and a corking pillow fight at lights out. When the majority of your party members are middle class pensioners who envisage a perfect Britain as one of cricket on the village greens, maidens riding bikes, scrumping apples and women knowing their place then why not take them there? Forget how repulsive and dated the sight of chinless wonders on horses chasing animals until they die is. No ? so bring back fox hunting. Forget the divisive 11 plus and how ALL state schools are crying out for funding , pledge instead to pour ever increasing pots of cash into grammar schools to give middle class families who can't afford private schools a leg up the jobs ladder while the poorer kids rot without jobs or on low pay. Forget the need for additional police, cast your mind back to the halcyon days of Dixon of Dock Green. Sell the concept of Hard Brexit as a patriotic opportunity to bring the days of the Empire when the rest of the world left us alone and we bought New Zealand lamb not French Brie and we had local shops for local people. If we take our country back, why NOT stop in the 1970's.? Not my thoughts but a very frank and fearless ( as opposed to strong and stable) view from Brian Reade in today's Mirror. I was not long married raising my first kid in the 1970's and although things were tough finance wise, the world was a lot safer place and local communities pulled together and looked out for each other.
That made me smile "borderiine hippy" it's unbelievable what some say. These Tory supporters, Tory MP's and the right wing gutter press just can not stop insulting Corbin, And the best about it there isn't one of them will debate him just call him names.
Pretty much spot on JC, despite some of the comments that have been made since, although I'd add a touch of Lansley into the mix with Hunt. Some of the subsequent posters seem to have missed the point, which is pure fact, that the English NHS Microsoft support contract was held nationally at Department of Health level. Local NHS organisations were defunded for the privilege. When the Microsoft contract came to an end it was the DH and the associated central quangos established under the uber-wasteful Lansley bureaucracy that took the decision not to upgrade and/or agree another national contract. Unlike Wales, each English local NHS organisation was left to fend for themselves which, even if all had upgraded, would have left MS p!ssing themselves at the money they could rake in from 100s of individual deals rather than one centrally negotiated. Moreover, local NHS organisations did not see a penny of the money that had previously gone into paying for the national contract either. Three other things that are worth noting:- 1) The Labour government provided ring-fenced monies for local NHS IT infrastructures, under the control of local IT leads. This money could have been used but had disappeared under the Tories. 2) One of the Trusts hit yesterday internally prioritised (from within finite) funds for a costly upgrade as replacement for the MS contract nearly two years ago. I know, I worked there. It was, however, prevented from implementing by one of the many tiers of bureaucratic regulators created by Lansley and perpetuated by Hunt. (The same bureaucracy that diverts £billions from the front-line to create armies of remote pen-pushers employed to find ways of fining hospitals for breaching targets that the hospitals don't have the bed and/or nurse capacity to meet, whilst at the same time preventing them from investing in said capacity!) 3) I'm not sure if this has fully come out yet, but the Trust serving Grimsby and Scunthorpe was hit by the virus several months ago. Therefore, the claims of May, Hunt et al that yesterday came out of the blue are just not tenable. The minister, the DH and the expensive resource guzzling quangos they've together established had plenty of warning and have thus been caught sleeping on the job by not co-ordinating a national response to the Grimsby/Scunthorpe lessons. Their respective oversight roles are statutory, after all. The NHS is rightly regarded as the most efficient health service in the world and this despite the chronic underfunding of social care. It is also despite the many billions that the Tory 2010 re-organisation wastes in bureaucracy and on needless internal transactional contracting. If that latter money was put under the control of the front line services then I'm sure it would pay further dividends in patient care and outcomes and go a long way to improving the deficit position as well. Heaven knows how good the NHS would be if we spent anything like the same percentage of our GDP on it as other major economies! Instead, the NHS (to the eternal shame of this country and notwithstanding the Trojan-like staff who continue to provide excellent care) is losing some of its effectiveness, not through lack of overall efficiency but through wasteful, fragmenting and suffocating Tory management structures and permanent austerity funding. Use your vote wisely, peeps.
As an ex civil servant with some 30 years service, I can confirm that whenever we 'upgraded' our systems, we always got other organisations cast offs and software people had stopped using years ago.
Brexit, fox-hunting, grammar schools, boy jobs and girl jobs.......isn't it May that's taking us back to the 70s!?
The move towards Comprehensives began in the mid -60s and took until the 70's to complete, fox hunting started well before Pontius became a pilot and was banned in 2004 /5 and we joined the EU in the 70's. F*ck knows what they meant with their reference to boys and girls jobs.!! Thought sexism was uncool.? The privatisation of the NHS, further erosion of workers rights and the sell off of more major industries will form part of the master plan going forward if as predicted the Tories get their landslide and eventually post Brexit if they continue in perpetuity and in control of our future destiny regarding finance and the law they will become absolutely power pi*sed you mark my words. You only have to look round Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle, Tower of London, Palace of Westminster and witness the changing of the guard to realise we have f*ck all chance of ever really changing anything.! Who was it that said.? " We don't want to own the garden we just want to be able to get in to admire the flowers now and again."
I was slightly surprised that some posters can't tell the difference between what is De facto a centralised decision and localised ones. If you decentralise the process and remove the funding you are making the decision. It's almost surreal to think otherwise. I did some work for the Welsh Assembly on analysing risks after a cyber attack in 2015 that fed into the process of their decision to continue to fund centrally and replace. The Coalition government ignored similar research and warnings as it didn't suit their agenda.
Why would someone who gets a state pension, uses the NHS or relies on the welfare state vote Tory. It would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. The biggest thing they can seem to chuck at Labour is defence. They would only go to war if it was really necessary. I hope that would be anyone's stance to be honest. As for the statistical gaffes made by some of the shadow ministers, who cares. It will be civil servants implementing the policies, not the figureheads.
I read that in the Daily Mail (I have to read it as part of my job) and they were phrasing it as a negative. I can't remember the exact phrase but they said something about it being a last resort' or that they would 'exhaust all other options first'. I did wonder why anyone would consider that a bad thing. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Given that the NHS has its own network that is separate to the internet (NHSNet), then a malware attack like this should have been blocked from the entire network. Although there is suggestion that it got in through Telefonica - the Spanish telecomms company that looks after the NHSnet backbone.
You could say the same about the financial crash in 2008 for which Gordon Brown and the Labour Government were held to be responsible as far as the UK electorate were concerned. It was financial institutions which were to blame in the same way that lack of management locally is to blame at some NHS Trusts and CCGs. Trouble is the Tories didn't take that tack in 2008 and now it's come round to bite them on the bum.
Just spent a couple of hours reading through some techie threads on this malware attack. It is based on a couple of vulnerabilities "liberated" from the NSA a couple of months ago. The NSA had found the backdoors and exploited them, and they were released as part of a code dump. And this is only a couple of months after Amber Rudd was arguing to include backdoors in software so the government could spy on ne'er-do-wells. How long before any exploits put in for GCHQ and the NSA to use are leaked for the criminals to use?
I can't tell you what a leader should look like - but the party leader who looks the most like a prime minister has won every election I can remember. It was a close call in 91 between Kinnock and Major. Corbyn's not doing a bad job with the vivid red tie and black suit - but he needs to stay away from the leather elbow patches, the bicycle helmet and probably sharpen up the beard. It's not about the NHS - it's about BHS!
Vote Labour otherwise you will be well and truly fked. The tories will wipe their feet on you and think nothing about it. Believe me. BTW my vote goes to Nicola.
Well if you look like a prime minister you get to be prime minister, if that's what wins elections in our country then most voters have no knowledge of politics what so ever. For me its how the media portray each individual, there's a lot of voters just don't understand politics or read party manifestos and you can not really blame them, they just listen or read the media and Jeremy Corbin is slaughtered by the media every single day with 90% being right wing, like you say Carly he needs to stay away from the leather elbow patches, bicycle helmets(you don't want him to ride his bike without one do ya) and sharpen up his beard, but it's OK for Teresa May to wear bright red high heeled shoe's with black slacks and different colour top, I think it's a bit ridiculous pulling people down for what they want to wear. As far as I'm concerned a Leader should be comfortable in how he or she dresses act in a reasonable manner and most of all not be a barefaced liar.
The problem as I see it is that the tories have an obvious agenda to squeeze as much cash out of a failing nhs at a high level as possible. Labour will once again make up 5 administrative jobs where 1 done efficiently would do so the NHS will bleed money that way. Either way the poor nurses that try their crackers off to look after the genuinely poorly people of this country are critically lacking in numbers. Factor in that our health service is bogged down with fat claiming scroungers going through the motions of getting their fake disability rubber stamped and using their stay in hospital to look for other ways to get a claim in and the people on the front line face an impossible job. None of the parties at the moment can put a sustainable and workable plan in place without busting the country. Tories too tough Labour too weak Any other party too irrelevant
Conspiracy theories part 2. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum