I'm not one of the people who clamour for capital punishment to be reintroduced in this country, and feel really uneasy when I see it applied in the States, but this ******* is one the evil fuckers I'd be happy to have put down...
I'm the opposite. He wants to die. And I absolutely love that he is forced to live every single day against hi wishes
I'm certainly not for the death penalty - so it's pleasing that he's living his final days wishing to die. Hopefully when he goes, he and that Hindley thing will be haunted and terrorised by whatever lies in wait for them, urged on by the spirits of the poor kids (and their parents) they murdered.
I was recently out walking on Saddleworth Moor where his victims were (and possibly still are) laid to rest. Can't describe the feeling of utter despair at how low fellow human beings can sink, to use surroundings of such beauty to such a grim purpose. Even after all these years it brings a tear to one's eye. I hope he lives to 180 at least.
Totally agree with this. On a side note I'd let every known paedophile walk free. I'd just let family and friends know when and where.
The idea that being against the death penalty means that you think that this type of heinous crime is any less objectionable than anyone from the hang 'em high brigade does is balmy. If someone killed a friend or member of my family I'd want revenge. I am an individual & emotions would be involved. I may even try and kill them myself. The idea of the "state" overall is to be detached from that & the decisions to be made by our MPs, whom we elect. The evidence proves that capital punishment does not reduce this type of crime, lowers the state to the level of a murderer in itself (the killing is premeditated) & hence the state cannot take a higher moral ground & also the lengthy appeals process needed means that it isn't cheaper either. There is loads of empirical evidence to support this. Brady is a piece of **** btw & it is very sad he won't speak about this other victim, that is unaccounted for. I hope he is in a lot of pain.
In this age of public voting and phone ins I think for ******** that are as bang to rights as this lovely person we have a suggestion line for inventive torture. A top ten shortlist is picked and the phone lines opened for the nations favourite. The publics wishes are then carried out on the pitch at Wembley with all the sky camera angles on them. They could even have a sideline competition with the winner being personally involved.
In the case of Brady I completely agree. The longer that piece of s**t suffers the better. It's just so sad that poor Keith Bennetts Mum didn't get to lay her little boy to rest before she died.
I could see the Daily Mail, Express & Sun running with this. Tarring & feathering for litter louts, hanging of people who breach the bedroom tax & hanging, drawing & quartering for stealing a loaf of bread, or over use of a food bank.
I know we wouldnt normally like to gloat and enjoy the fact that somebody else has died and suffered while doing it! But Myra Hindley was surely one of those few people were we could all celebrate a little, and raise a glass to the fact that it happened. And I know that sounds awful of course, but its the same isnt it these days with Ian Brady who was arguably worse than she was in those horrific crimes.
Agree. My first and last thought on this, the heart bleeds for the late Mrs Bennett (edit-Winnie Johnson) and any remaining family of Keith. Won't waste words on Brady. Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
Doubt it. It was the only thing he likely had left for any "power trip". Best everyone can hope for is that he did tell someone and now he's gone that someone comes forward... Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I read about it last year and apparently Keith's family have a good idea of a couple of very specific areas already and that the 'somewhere in a 30sq mile' thing that s often spoke about is completely false.