Was curious what the feelings of the members of the board was about this
Cruel and barbaric. Our country has much bigger issues to work on than trying to bring back this. Farmers who agree with it because foxes come after their animals, should give them better protection instead of being outfoxed by an erm...Fox.
100% against it. Same old T****s. She claims other methods of controlling the fox population are more barbaric. What's more barbaric than bring ripped apart by a pack of hounds.
I've no problems with it... provided that everyone who takes part is made to swim, without any form of protection or weaponry, in great white shark infested waters with plenty of chubb to get those beautiful creatures into a nice frenzy.
They can bring it back only if foxes can be fitted with head mounted lasers and can lay claymores in the path of the hunt. Alternatively I'd accept hunt saboteurs armed with water cannons, bean bag guns and tazers.
My son has lost dozens of hens to these vermin, but I don't advocate hunting them with dogs. Shooting them is ok ( my opinion) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Load a posh folk swanning around on horses under the guise of controlling fox numbers but really parading about saying 'we are considerabley richer than you'
I am 100% against hunting with dogs and I am disappointed that this has been included in the manifesto however it will be an open vote and in my opinion it has no chance of being voted in.
If you take a step back and look at the wider context, as humans, we're pretty flawed aren't we? Programmed to consume land and food rabidly, and multiply with little consideration for the impact it has on environment. We take retribution, often for no true reason. And when some other creature gets in our way, or offers us an inconvenience, or might just give us a smirk of uneasy pleasure, inflicting death upon it seems to be no issue. That we usually create "the problem" in the first place is often missed, but at least we show these pesky critters who is boss. These critters just going about living on instinct to try and survive, eat, and rear their young. Imagine our morale outrage should one single animal not like what we inflict upon them and fight back. (The drunken idiot trying to wrestle a shark who got bit in the process springs to mind) I'm not a Green fuelled conservationist by any means, but when you look at what we do to things that have life under the pretence its good for humanity, we should be pretty ashamed of ourselves. I find it hard to consider what this planet will be like in 100 years time. Oh, and we have lots of urban foxes round here, often having a sun on my garden wall. Always brings a smile that such a timid creature is happy having a snooze and a sun just metres from my house.
The fact that May thinks it's a supporter of this barbaric practice should be enough for anyone to kick this despicable woman and her party in to touch, putting it in her meanifesto is just putting two fingers up to us all because she thinks she is going to win by such a large majority that she won't have to give a flying **** about anything other than the rich, never mind the fox or the pensioners, kids, nhs, disabled and people like us, the common working man. It may not be voted in, but by the Christ, the fact it's even in their !!
Vile - only word that sums it up! If it had been a 'sport' for the masses it would have been banned decades ago. Many a Tory argument is based around the fact that it would destroy communities and cost jobs- something slightly hypocritical about that don't you think .....
Exactly, we have a sense of entitlement and comfort as we have no natural predators around. Can you imagine giant animals hunting us in packs everytime we left our house to nip to the shop for some milk?
Shot the vile, disgusting, opportunist creatures and rid the countryside of them before they can do any more killing ! (The "hunters" that is )
I think I'm starting to see where the fear of migrants comes from for some... the inherent fear of battling it out to get the last milk carton...
It also appears that the Tories have dropped their commitment to a total ban on the trade of ivory in Britain from their meanifesto.
IF it's necessary to cull them, then do it by humane and quick means ie shooting. Making the hunt into a social event or a ritual just doesn't sit well with me. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk