Often hear people moan about them but does anybody support them? What are people's opinions on the various kinds? Average speed cameras, static cameras and mobile cameras? Do you like or dislike one kind more than the others? And for people who hate them would you support them if they were in different places?
There should be more near schools. Shaw Lane has three junior and infant school and despite it being a 20 mph limit I rarely see anyone driving less than 30mph throughout the day.
Definitely agree with that. Every school should have one outside and it should be combined with a number plate recgnition system that can monitor and fine anyone parking illegally outside schools for safety.
I think they act as a deterrent. Our Sat nav is programme to beep on approach so the tendency is to brake anyway. Due to cuts apparently a lot of LA's don't have the resources to look at every film now so whilst there seems to be a lot of them around quite a number are not in use.? Instead of putting points on your licence I feel that being asked to attend a speed awareness course is a good idea because for someone who passed their test years ago it's a useful refresher on speed limits ( re- street lights usually means it's 30mph -unless signs indicate otherwise), stopping distances, motorway etiquette etc. etc.
How's about, instead of focusing on speed as being the only issue, we put resources into identifying and dealing with the numerous other examples of bad driving we see all the time like tailgating. But no, that would take effort. Much better to suggest speed is the only issue because they can make easy money out of that.
Agreed. If people stuck to the speed limit they wouldn't be needed. I was caught at Wadsley Bridge a few years back rushing to get to a TV to watch an England game. It was a fair cop.
I think they're essential and there should be more, particularly around schools, play areas, etc but they only address one issue. What they don't do is catch dangerous driving which in my experience is more prevalent than speed.
There's not enough of them. Most of them are set at a high level for the roads speed limit in any case. There were complaints about the one on Park Road when it went in. A week later a young girl was run over.
The police aren't interested in driving without due care and attention because that would involve them putting more than 10% effort into their shifts.
I'm not so sure about this view. I was pulled over and issued with a fine a few years ago; not for driving without due care admittedly, but for having a dirty back number plate.
Right behind them. Pet peeve is people that are caught and act like victims. Don't do the crime and all that.