It's beyond comprehension to be that greedy. That ammoral. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
whether it's £1.2bn or £1.20 that sort of person has the same attitude, it's just a question of scale. A spectacular sense of entitlement.
But these are the people we should be targeting. The majority of taxes is raised through increases in basic rates.
I agreed with this point in my first post. My point was that there has to be some personal responsibility as well.
I don't think anybody has a problem with the super rich paying half, but this isn't just about Phillip Green. If you earn £45,001 somehow you're responsible for paying tax at 40%. That's not a "fair share".
From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. It isn't much we are asking the top earners to contribute. We can also grow the economy by investing in infrastructure which you have to admit is in desperate need of it. Also, I know you are someone who'd consider themselves a patriot. How do you feel about Communist China owning increasing amounts of our infrastructure and being paid handsomely to do so.
I agree with getting the wealthy to pay their fair share and the corporation tax. But the taxing people who earn 80k even more is abit of a tax on the hard working man. I know ex miners who earn that and people who have grafted all their lifes. 80k a year is not that much especially down south.
They already contribute plenty. And you mean an extra 400 quid a year so we can all park in hospitals for free.
I don't dispute that higher earners should pay their fair share but to be fair to most of them they already do. I'd like to see lower earners earning more and I'd like to see the pay gap between the bottom and the top of companies narrowed significantly. What I don't want to see is high earners clobbered just because they earn more. It has to be fair and everybody has to accept an element of personal responsibility. Is that unfair? I don't like seeing foreign companies taking over our infrastructure, more so when it's a country like China however I am also uncomfortable with foreign ownership of our banks and private companies (and football clubs). Of course there are examples of where this works but in general I am opposed to it.
Tax avoidance schemes significantly decrease their contributions very few truly high earners pay their share of tax. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
If I was in charge, the maximum pay for a company director (including shares and other perks) would be a multiplier of the lowest paid in the company. Just as bad as the foreign ownership of infrastructure is the outsourcing of work. Government departments specifically signing contracts with companies where the money goes directly to India.
They'll only pay the extra tax on the bit above 80k, so they'll still get their tax free allowance, then still get basic rate up to 45k, then still get normal higher rate up to 80k and only then will they start paying a tiny bit more on top of that. £33 a month out of their wage to someone who earns over 80k is not going to impact their life even a tiny bit or else they are doing something wrong, that's a night out a month, or half a month's Sky subscription or a nice shirt. Anyone who is earning over £80,000 a year begrudging £33 a month to save lives is not someone I could ever even begin to understand. As for the free parking, you make it sound like people park there for a jolly. People can be in hospital for months and it can be incredibly expensive for relatives to pay parking every day during visiting hours. If you think it's that difficult for someone who earns 80k a year losing £33 a month, then imagine what it's like for someone on minumum wage paying twice that in parking to visit a dying relative who is unable to work and so are already struggling.
As for hospital parking I usually begrudge paying it. My wife was in hospital before Xmas so I parked up in a residential area and used my 2 feet and walked to see her each day. I think balfour own the car park at ponty and not the trust so I don't see how that will ever be free.