The fact it's 28 degrees is what I'm fretting about. I'll bloody melt. All this foreign weather. Coming over here pushing out our good old English weather. Give me rain and cloud every day.
I said no MORE players. Also he's from Scotland, it's a different FA. You need a CEO to be able to conduct business with the English FA.
At the conclusion of the Europa League final Jose Mourinho when asked about Rooney/ any incomings etc said " I give a list of my targets to Ed Woodward two months ago". Irrespective of whether we have a CEO or not for the life of me I can't think that Paul has not flagged his wish list up to Maurice/ Barry/ Patrick et al - weeks if not months ago- surely.? And since that was done "someone/everyone" at the club has been diligently beavering away to make it all happen.! The season is not yet over. Although mooted weeks ago the proposed Scowen and Watkins moves have not yet materialised. Things seem to be moving very slowly up and down the land. Agents will be pushing players everybody is jockeying for this or that player that can improve them next season. It's no use bringing any in that are not better than what we've already got. I think about Barnsley FC and how we could better ourselves every day of my life as many of you do as well so I'm sure Hecky/ Jamie/Martin and Sir Bobby who are paid to do it for a living are doing exactly the same?. As our brother says please stop fretting everything is going to be fine. I for one am fired up and really looking forward to next season with great interest. We did well last season. The target going forward is that we need to do better next season. I have a quiet confidence that we are going to be OK.
How do you know we are missing out on players right , left & centre , do you work for the club or are you just guessing ? I suggest a bit of patiance wouldn"t go a miss.
Absolute tosh, any transfer requires administration, no matter where you sign them from, unless you are telling me there is no paperwork involved
According to the English FA laws there must be a segregation of duties within a football club to avoid corruption (or at least try to). At the moment we have no CEO therefore, no segregation of duty. Believe what you want. I was trying to pass on the little information that I do have to try and stop the panic of 'oh god we've signed no-one'. Merely putting forward the case of WHEN we do get a CEO they will fall like dominoes into the club. Instead I have to defend a point to someone who is quite clearly on a very high high horse. No wonder people are fecking leaving this place left right and centre.
We will not be missing out. We will be targeting players we think we have a chance of getting and more importantly want to play for Barnsley Football Club ( re- the Roberts, McDonalds of this world). If they choose not to come that's tough and we have to move on to our next target. Take a look a look at some of the released lists for Clubs up and down the country. There are literally hundreds of players available. Our ambitions have got to mutually match and any signings have got to understand that they have to fit our finance model otherwise they don't come in.
There was similar wording when we signed Moncur and Lee last year; just due to contract situation, certainly not out lack of CEO
How then, did we manage to sign Jones, Mowatt, James, Hedges and Elder in January without a CEO from English (except Swansea but they play in England) clubs? Obviously it will make things easier and we need a CEO ASAP, but it's clearly not directly stopped us making signings
What are people on about on this thread. People are trying their best to defend Heckingbottom because he's ''one of our own''. To the thread starter. He says a lot of things. HE said we were close to a CEO a long time ago. Mr M Watkins said they had only just got the preferred person sorted last week. Am I reading some on here saying you need a CEO to deal with the FA or whatever. What a loan of BS. The club can make transfers now with the members of staff they have now. They need someone to sell the club to the player and his Agent. Paul Heckingbttom when he's not talking about going on Holiday. You need a solicitor for the legal matters. Barnsley will use a solicitor and I'd imagine they have a contract with one so they can use him at any time. There's a word for it, I've forgotten it. Also Mr M Watkins can do this. Then you need someone to fill in the Fifa program and contact the Football league so that you can Fax the details to them for them to check. Some football clubs have announced they are to make quite a few signings. Mansfield have signed about 10 by the looks. It's better that the players sign ASAP for everyone. From what you read to the person that said contracts run out at the end of May. It doesn't matter now anyway but in England they normally run out at the end of June. Scottish seem to be May.
How do you know how the inner workings of a football club's transfer dealings work? Sue, it may be possible to get deals done with just a manager in position, but with the complexity of modern transfers and contracts, would you want a manager to do it? I think the point of having a CEO( or Director Of Football or whatever), is that they will(hopefully) have intricate knowledge of the way everything works, as well as the ability to judge the market value of the players involved. Hecky(who certainly IS on of our own)'s title is Head Coach for a reason. He is in charge of footballing matters at the club, but due to our previous C.E.O.(allegedly) not being up the job, has had to take some of the strain. As for the likes of Mowett and James transfers, I'd guess that Big Bad Barry Taylor and Maurice Watkins would have mucked in to get the deals sorted...
It's not hard. It's spoken about quite a lot. We've not got one person. We've got a team. Now I'm not sure if the Cryne Family will have anything to do with the transfer so i'll not mention them. Maurice Watkins understands the transfer system more than anyone else at other football clubs. He's someone that made the system what it is. Poeple talk about Mr Taylor in such a negative way. He will understand the system more than anyone that just wants to take the piss out of him. He's worked within the FA and will be able to help with that. Like I say above Barnsley will have a contract with Solicitors. Clubs this summer will have less people at say pro conference level than Barnsley have now.
Trust me 'marra, completing a transfer can be very hard indeed. You are right about Watkins and Taylor though. Thing is, BFC is a privately owned company. It has no obligation to make public any attempts to sign players at all. For all you know, we may have made 1000 different players offers and all may have said no(as is their right). I think what is more likely is that the vast majority of players we have made offers to are still sunning themselves up on holiday...
Maurice Watkins was for circa 29 years a Director of Man Utd before becoming our Chair in 2013. As a highly respected Bachelor of Law he defended Eric Cantona following his prosecution in the Kung fu kick incident at Palace and in a criminal defence case against former TV personality Stuart Hall . It was due to Maurice's skill Hall only received a 15 month custodial sentence which suggests to me the guy is a very capable , experienced well qualified legal operator and Chairman. Given the state of his health and the gruelling and very debilitating treatment Patrick has / has still to go through I would think most of the day to day work is being undertaken by Maurice/Barry and Hecky at the Club until we get our CEO in place. Don't want to go into gory detail but knowing what I personally had to go through to luckily beat the big C and get the all clear nearly three years ago my thoughts, prayers and support are with Patrick Cryne every day as he continues his fight for the right to go on living. (It took me 10 months to get over the daily treatment I received and I had to retire from my job because I couldn't talk and had to be fed every three hours through a tube inserted near my belly button cos I couldn't swallow.) Patrick is no different to any of us. He is a fan who happens to own his home town football club. Like us all he would I imagine love to play in the Premier League and as a very intelligent person will know only to well that he can't provide the funds to sign the experience/quality to make that become a reality and so we are going with organic long term steady growth involving younger players. He would sell ( we have been told us as much) but no one who fits his criteria has yet convinced him that that time is right. Money does not buy success e.g the ask the Tuna salesman in Sheffield 6 and the guy at Villa who have both proved that. At the end of the day it's all about getting the nucleus of a good team together in the hope we can engender team spirit, enthusiasm and the will to perform as a team consistently week in week out on the field of play. Danny boy did it re- Watson, Eaden, Moses, Liddell etc already with us. He added Appleby, Wilkinson, Marcel and a veteran full back Neil Thompson in the close season and then brought Super John in later on. Sounds easy and it's a big ask but we've got to strive to get lucky and try and repeat that feat. Tall order but it can be done. I'm not a happy clapper by the way. I am a realist. But if we don't have enthusiasm and ambition we might as well all call it a day because to my mind negativity and defeatism will get us absolutely nowhere.
Your right, they are leaving right left & centre when people like you get verbally aggresive. I am not on any high horse, all I am trying to say, is that there are plenty of staff at the club and it does not cease to function with or without a CEO, all be it will obviously be beneficial when one is appointed.