and the Police and the various security agencies of this country are revealing a huge picture of the bomber and his connections and his recent moving back and for to Syria. They reveal they knew he was a radical for over 5 years. This seems to have been the way after all the acts of terrorism over the last couple of years or so across the world....... and so my question is this , If they have all this info and know all about many of the terrorists be it singular or in cells about the world...then how the hell do these atrocious acts keep on happening. Also why is it that the radicalists of whatever religions are allowed to spit their bile openly in this country or any country for that matter outside of theirs..I am damned sure I know what would happen if we tried it in their lands. Freedom of speech is all very good but when that speech is inciting hatred to others then surely this should be stopped.
If the police round up the 3000 terrorists and deport them etc then obviously the 1000s of police involved in monitoring these terrorists are going to lose their jobs or at best have a reduction in wages. Jobs for the boys. Foook it if kids are blown up !!!
Of course some do and there is no excuse for that but likewise a lot of crimes go on which really shouldnt. What I was getting at is that just because something happens doesn't mean it's allowed
I am not one normally for calling things out but that post is shocking. It needs deleting. I'd be ashamed to write that.
Internment in N.Ireland created more terrorists then it ever locked up. Indeed one IRA activist said he turned away from terrorism after he'd been aquited in a UK court because the prosecution had lied, but then saw the "justice" of the IRA nutting squad in comparison and could no longer support such barbarism. Never under estimate the power of rule by law.
Why would anyone be ashamed to write that!!! Have you seen the news today??? The ex-head of Cobra has being saying exactly that. The police are a foooking disgrace
Read or listen to the views of Colonel Richard Kemp ex-Cobra - before scrambling onto the bandwagon with the rest of the sheep. The police know who, where and what relating to these terrorists- but they choose to sit on their hands. They knew every house to go to when the bomb went off.
No explanation 'why' in there - just the usual plain brain dead abuse from a poster that posts brain dead posts. Idiot !!!
Debate properly or keep your views to yourself. If you think anybody has that vile view of what happened on Monday then you're a disgrace.
I've listened to Richard Kemp on many occasions. Which bit of his interviews lead you to the belief that somebody thinks fook it if kids are blown up'.
There are 18,000 people that fall within the category that Abedi fell into. You absolute cretin. Your posts on football I've always assumed are wind ups due to their stupidity. So have laughed along. But criticising our security agencies who do a fantastic job, despite the severe cuts they face, the increased challenges of social media end to end encryption, and the further segregated societies we live in driven by right wing extreme hate mongers, from all sides. And In conjunction with a chaotic foreign policy, a huge "success" of the Islamist ideology of setting up their caliphate in Syria and Iraq (no matter how temoporary) and you write something as truly cretinous as that? Mate you need to shake that head. It's almost as daft as your posts on Barnsley despite the fact you don't even watch the team play.
Is it time to take terror to the terrorists ? If we know for certain let's make the odd one "disappear" .