Did you actually listen to his speech? I did and there was nothing he said that struck me as unreasonable.
I watched Question Time last night. Colin Parry who's son Tim was killed in Warrington by an IRA bomb in 1993 was on the panel. He said he had met Martin McGuinness Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland and a former leading member and supporter of the IRA and whilst he could never forgive him for what he and his henchmen did when Tim and a young lad Johnathan Ball (age 3) were blown up he was grateful for the advice/help and support that McGuinness gave him in setting up The Peace Centre in Warrington dedicated to the memory of Tim and a Jonathan. Jaw Jaw better than War War.!
You think the people of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan have been freed from all that? By the US, UK and others dropping bombs all over them, invading them, taking their oil and assets? Right.
Thing is, this morning before he'd made the speech, the MSM were already quoting what they thought he was about to say. Literally. I work in media but I'm glad it's not for newspapers. Peddling lies for foreign billionaires hoping to control the masses with their propaganda. It's unreal how bad it's become. I can only hope enough people are seeing through it. As for the Tories, they've had a horrific GE campaign, they've a shocking leader and they too keep peddling lie after lie hoping to convince thick people to fall for it. I still don't think we will see a Labour win. Too many in power cannot afford that to happen.
I can't understand why print (and new) media aren't under the same rules as broadcast media (and even that can be biased but most do at least pretend to be fair). I've said it before, but the reporters should stick to the facts and do in-depth investigations of what is being said and how it would affect people. Not making stuff up and presenting it as indisputable fact.
They are looking after themselves by looking after their job by looking after their employees who fund the Tories. I don't blame those at ground level doing that. We are all selfish to some degree. The sad thing is, a lot of thick, uneducated people will read that propagandist headline in their paper, they'll not research it, they'll just accept it as fact "because it's in the paper" and by voting for such as the Tories, UKIP and Brexit, they're ******* themselves and others over unknowingly.
Well I think that he is absolutely bang on. First he's bang on with his point, us dropping bombs on innocent people and demonising entire races of people is obviously alienating people to such a degree that they are killing people. It's a fact that cannot be argued again. Secondly I agree fully with his timing because when does it carry greater impact? When nothing has happened for a while and everybody is apathetic? Or when somebody has just killed a load of kids? If we do not talk about the reasons it happens and the ways to stop if then i think that is far more disrespectful to the dead than it is to say straight away that I know what is helping to cause these atrocities and I want to change things to stop it.
When they get fed lies directly from our PM it's pretty impossible to believe anything. I think most people heard Corbyn's speech today and he didn't say any of this
It's all they've got. Lies. Even when the evidence clearly shows them to be lying, they don't care. Because they know there are enough thick people out there who won't look beyond their noses. Do I believe Corbyn is perfect? Not at all. Do I question some of his activities as an MP years ago? Definitely. But I'm left to judge both manifestos, both leaders, their past records etc, and I'm left to decide which I prefer. And there isn't really a decision in my mind. It's as clear as the nose on my face. I like people. I love life. I'll be voting Labour. I voted Green the last two elections. For context. I'm just a lefty idiot I suppose. Rather that than a Tory *******.
I'm hardly contradicting myself. What I've said and what I stand by is that foreign policy is a factor, one factor of many, in the radicalisation of these nut-jacks (not in the ideology of Daesh). I wasn't referring to Corbyn (as much as I disagree with him) I was replying to Nudger who gave us two 'facts' that weren't facts. The purpose of Daesh is to create a caliphate and anybody who doesn't share their warped ideology are a target of their vile retribution. They kill more Muslims than anybody else so what part of Western foreign policy do we blame for this? They kill gays, the disabled, women and children, anybody who doesn't fit their warped wahhabism. Can this be blamed on Western foreign policy? Of course not, but that is just my opinion. They (Daesh) may use foreign policy as a hook to radicalise young men but the reality is that in the ideology of Daesh doesn't care about anything or anyone one besides forcing their ideology on the world. As for Corbyn, I think he was wrong although I do admit his speech today wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with Shami Chakrabarti or I should say her agreeing with me but it happened today when she was interviewed by Iain Dale. She accepted that foreign policy cannot be blamed, but that it was a factor. This is exactly what I have said. I believe one or two senior Labour MPs also disagree with Corbyn. I'm not going to change your mind and you're certainly not going to change mine over the role played in terrorist attrocities.
Who Nudger or Corbyn. PS. I bet you never thought you'd see those two names together in the same sentence did you. Only on the BBS.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-16366413 Y Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
Depends who you ask I suppose. The Afghan cricket team might think things are better nowadays. So might the little girls who are now allowed to go to school. Yesterday you posted a link to a video that ended with the words "Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite". Does that not apply when you're not trying to virtue signal?
You suggested Afghanistan and other nations we've invaded and dropped bombs galore on, have been freed by those actions. This happened today, in Afghanistan: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-40068920 I stand by my belief that dialogue, unity and peace is the way forward. Not invading/bombing Muslim nations who haven't so much as threatened, never mind actually attacked us.
Cameron said something similar after the July attacks in London and Boris also made similar points - but hey let's all shake our fists at Corbyn
Another bombing in Afghanistan has nothing to do with freedom. Unless you're suggesting we here in Blighty are no longer free cos a bomb went off in Manchester. Whilst everyone of a reasonable disposition would settle everything by means of dialogue without violence, sadly there are others who have an interest in doing the opposite. And when they so behave, they need to be kept in check.