Lets wait till it happens again and then all stand together and show this scum that they will not divide us and i'm sure they'll stop killing innocent adults and children
No need to STRIKE we know thousands who might be a threat but do we really have to WAIT until they blow someone up to take action "Really"?
So, on the basis of hearsay and without evidence we should just start rounding people up and deporting/imprisoning them. Is it the year of our Lord 1612 and are we all in Pendle? Perhaps if we just dunk them in water for a couple of minutes and they drown then we can see they are innocent and if they don't drown they are guilty so we can burn them at the stake. Don't get me wrong. If there is suspicion of someone, they should be investigated, but the police/security services need to be able to provide enough evidence to satisfy the law before we can take any action.
Mate have a ******* word with yourself. I realise you need the spotlight but **** me that is beyond the pale. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
None of us know exactly what the security services have on these individuals but forget it lets just leave them alone and hope for the best wouldn't want to offend anyone would we
There was a Middle East security expert on TV earlier Friday evening. He claimed that even if the bombings stopped in the Middle East ISIS/Daesh would still continue killing " non believers". They are intent on establishing a caliphate to rule the whole world on their terms and they are prepared to kill anyone who oppose their ideals ( even fellow Muslims). On an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth basis I have some empathy with Jeremy Corbyn's view that normally the bombing of innocent people doesn't normally work and that political /negotiated settlements are the best way to sort out any differences of opinion. In the case of ISIS/Daesh unfortunately such a strategy will in all probability not work. They are intent on causing disruption and fear and will welcome any resentment that British citizens show to towards the indigenous Muslim communities in the U.K. as a result of the atrocity in Manchester. They simply don't want to know. I very rarely agree with Donald J. Trump but he was spot on when he said it's time for the nations of the world under the umbrella of N.A.T.O to co-ordinate their resources in a concerted effort to expunge their propaganda from the World Wide Web and co-ordinate our joint forces to defeat this evil regime. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/644304/ISIS-Islamic-State-Destroy-West-Terrorist-Syria-Iraq
The ......foook it if kids are blown up - is a conclusion I have come to on the understanding that the then PM Tony Blair was talked out of rounding up all the known terrorists by officials in Whitehall eg the top police commanders. It was on the ITV news all day yesterday. The politicians and police can stop these terror attacks if they want to. But they don't because of political correctness. In the mean time 100s of parents and relatives have to endure the nightmare existence for the rest of their life's knowing that their young children have been blown to pieces by a bomb. As a parent it's something I don't thing I could live through. Horrendous!!! In fact if it happened to one of mine then the police would have to add me to their security risk list.
Some people say certain things and instantly regret it. But I have to say, your post makes me immensely proud. Proud that I'm not, never have been and never will be like you. Precisely what the ignore list was made for.
What I'm realising after years of posting on here is that there are quite a few people that cannot read properly. They pick up on a word or a sentence but are unable to relate it to the full piece that has been written.
I agree on one level but disagree on another. What I agree with is that political correctness has become a problem and reversing this now is going to be extremely difficult. Where I don't agree is that anyone could ever take the view that you expressed in your first post just for the sake of political correctness. It has been reported that the national anti terrorism were informed but there was a lack of action by them. I don't think that they feared the PC brigade in this country. I believe they have several thousand on their watch list so maybe it's time that the whole approach to how we deal with those who we believe, through good intelligence, are the highest risk.
For the word terrorist substitute the word criminal or thief. There must be thousands on the streets of our towns and cities. Some do it for greed or because they are lazy and don't want to work for what they earn like the majority of us whilst others do it to feed an addiction or due to infirmity and ill health to be able to live on a day to day basis. Before they can do anything about it the authorities/police must either catch someone in the act of committing a crime or have conclusive evidence they have or are about to commit a crime. I am a Labour supporter but have to put my hand up and say that the actions of Tony Blair and George W Bush were not helpful when it comes to the ongoing problems in the Middle East. The ISIS/Daesh problem is a longstanding one and like Northern Ireland will need longstanding patience in an effort to work together to eventually find common ground hopefully leading to a solution of some kind. No one single person leaves their Mothers womb as a criminal/terrorist etc. As we grow we take on board the acts/deeds of those around us re-parents, teachers, family, friends etc and our character begins to form until "hopefully" we become a useful law abiding and caring citizen. Sadly it's only when as an impressionable but misguided/illegal influence is experienced that some can stray from what is seen as the acceptable "pathway" of normal behaviour. Over the last few days listening to various accounts and reading articles in the daily newspapers it appears that this vile Muslim was in the early part of his life perceived as a normal happy go lucky teenager. Against the principles of Islam he liked a drink, he played football, supported Manchester United and took an interest in girls. His mother a very highly qualified bio chemist and his father seemed like any normal parents in raising their kids. His father was however known to be a vociferous critic of Colonel Gadaffi and eventually abandoned his family to go to Libya to join in the armed struggle against the former tyrant. Locals in Manchester say that that is the point that Abebi junior became radicalised. He stopped going to the Mosque, grew a beard, started praying/chanting in the street and flew the Syrian/ ISIS flag on the roof of the house. An Imam at the Mosque has alleged that he reported his concerns to the authorities when he first became aware of the changes. Sadly nothing was done. To my mind part of the solution to the problem whilst difficult intrinsically lies within the Muslim communities themselves. Ways have to be found to shield young people from propaganda that is currently being printed in books and leaflets. Stricter controls must be imposed on Twitter, Facebook and the World Wide Web to take down views that advocate violence/ radicalisation and the sites promoting hate and showing how to make bombs and how to cause disruption in public places. Surely they have to be removed from the Internet. ? Young people need to be taught from an early age and guided along the right path. Trump has said N.A.T.O must now come together to find ways and means to work together to attempt to broker a solution otherwise this madness will continue. I for one agree with him. Nearly 50 years ago Knocker Powell made his famous/infamous " Rivers of blood" speech to a Tory gathering in Birmingham for which he was lambasted from all quarters. Some would argue that it in essence ruined any chance of him ever becoming the leader of his party and the criticism blighted him for many years. One phrase " it's like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre" has a phrophetic ring but caused particular outrage at the time with some observers claiming he was being " sensational". The question is whether we agree or disagree with Enoch Powell's views, as indigenous citizens of the UK what if anything can be done to arrest and hopefully avert what was predicted way back in 1968 or is it like some would probably observe/ argue now far too late and that really we are already past the point of no return.?
I think Enoch's views were wrong then and are wrong now. England was a more racist / sexist / homophobic / uninformed country in the 60's. The successful integration of millions of immigrants I would argue has helped that, as well as improved education & the decline of the influence of the church in England & Scotland (not so much in Ireland). NATO will never be successful in defeating terrorism. It is not set up to do that. We need to restore police levels, so there is community policing, that is not simply reactive & MI5 & border agencies need to work with European partners. There are no simple answers, although people like Trump like to paint everything as black & white / good or bad.
The country and world were far more dangerous in the 60's. In fact right now is by far the safest the world has ever been. People just focus a lot more on the negatives these days and we can see a lot more of the world due to technology.
It's not about offending anyone, it's about due process before the law. And before you say it, yes I know they don't care. But WE ARE THE CIVILISED ONES.
If it's a bad law - change it. As Richard Kemp has said - these individuals want hauling infront of a special panel of judges straight away so they can make immediate judgement on them. If they dont then we are now waiting for the next atrocity- which could involve someone you love.
You are very good at ignoring facts and vomiting words like you do. I struggle to accept that you actually believe what you type. If you do, you need to be sectioned. Would you like to do away with 'innocent until proven guilty' for all crimes? or just the ones committed by people that fit your agenda? There's a very good reason we don't give crimes an 'immediate judgment'.
If a panel of judges think that the individual is a danger to the public in anyway then it's either prison or put straight on the next flight to Libya. The legal system should not wait until they are found to be running down the street with a bomb in their hands.