Are you suggesting that we imprison people because we THINK they MAY commit a crime? Call me old fashioned but I'd prefer us to just spend a bit of money increasing the number of police so that they are more able to actually identify suspects and uncover evidence of their illegal activities before they 'run down the street with a bomb in their hands' rather than just locking people up on the off chance without any evidence.
What happens to right wing nut jobs from "organisations" like Britain first or EDL? Are they sent to Libya as well. I'd personally welcome that, but not sure how you suggest our legal system deals with them. and you would send people to prison who a panel of judges think "might" commit a crime? You've lost it mate. You're actually talking about creating a state far closer to sharia law than you probably even understand. Irony overload.
Can't believe that there are so many frail snowflakes on this Barnsley message board. The bending over backwards to accommodate the Muslim community has actually added to the problems that has resulted in the Manchester bomb. Plus added to the problems we see in places like Rotherham. It's about time the people of Britain grew a backbone and faced up to the treat that this community is causing to the everyday life of ordinary people in Britain. Would you be happy to let your child attend a large event concert right now? I know I wouldn't
I would be happier sending a child to a concert, gig, event or to spend a day in a mosque than I would be having them anywhere near you with your abhorrent views and your continued history of mentally unstable and frankly unnerving behaviour
When you use the loss of a large number of children's lives to score points and gain your much needed attention on an internet message board you really have reached the very bottom
But you would have been happy letting your children attend a concert during the 70s/80s or 90s when the threat of terrorism was many times greater? You make no sense. It's not about being snowflakes you moron. It's about not being stupid enough to fall into the trap these nutters want. If you actually are that thick you can't see that. And if you are that thick you can't see that jailing people in case they might commit a crime is moronic. Some of us want to continue living in the democratic and inclusive society that these maniacs want to destroy. They do it with bombs. People like you do it with a complete lack of brain power.
I'll not lower myself to your childish playground banter. What you are saying there is that we must learn to live with bombs. I vote that we don't !!! And I hope nothing happens to people that you love - but if it does then you may just change your selfish (I'm not bothered cos it's not happened to me) views on this matter.
Well done on ignoring every fact posted to you. Do you realise that what you are doing is exactly what ISIS want? They want the world to turn against Islam so they can consider themselves justified and try and recruit more.
You have to remember that this is the guy who admitted that during Barnsley games instead of watching the game he has left the ground to ride a child's bicycle up and down grove Street. Did a chicken dance towards the media box during another game. Left the Swansea play off final midway through the game because he didn't want to watch the game and has a long history of promoting hooliganism on this forum.
Wow !!! All of it true - except the promoting hooliganism bit. My basic view on that is that I don't like to hear Barnsley fans taking a beating. Which I would guess is everybodies view. But yes all the other stuff is true - and I'm really pleased to hear that you SuperTyke is writing it down and taking special note of everything I'm doing over all these years. Thank you. But to be honest I haven't a clue what you have posted in the past - I suppose no one has - clearly why should anyone take note of a boring village idiot ???
SuperTyke - yer know this book you are writing about me - is there any chance that I can review it before you take it to the publishers ?
Salford Univeristy, the campus attended by the bomber openly refused to adhere to the Governments prevent policy and refuse to report any suspected Radiclisation Andy Burnham also spoke out against this.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet That's just been discussed on " Sunday Politics". A guy called Douglas K Murray said "We're stuck in the John Lennon response to terrorism- they blow us up- we sing Imagine". He advocates it's time to for us to get "serious".!!!!
"Eastern europe doesnt have an Islamic problem cos it doesnt have Islam" Errr, right ok? Jingoistic nonsense, with no basis in fact. Does that make me part of the woolly pc brigade.
Apart from Bulgaria which borders Turkey and spent many years under the rule of the Ottomans and Russia which has as part of its landmass areas that are heavily populated my Muslims eg Chechnya I'm struggling off hand to name a Eastern European country that has a Muslim pop. Of over 1% Poland, Hungary and I think the Czech Republic have all refused to allow mass immigration from Muslim countries and are facing sanctions from the Eu because of this.
An interesting graph...but I think you are drawing the wrong conclusion to say it is safer from a world perspective . You say it was more dangerous in the 60's but the graph only starts from 1970 when IRA terrorism started to kick in and Palestinian attacks on Israel had only recently started . There were also small politically motivated groups in several countries ie Red Brigades and Tupomares are two I remember, but the vast bulk of attacks on the graph between 1970 and 1995 I think will be specifically related to IRA and Palestinian Liberation Organisation groups rather than the Global threat we have now . I would suggest ...( going from memory ) that almost all the countries that have been attacked in recent years had no terrorist outrages in the 60's..I can remember none in the USA , Sweden,Belgium ,France,(with the exception of incidents over Algeria in the very early 60's) Denmark Italy Germany, Philippines, Malaysia,Australia and Canada .