There was never a threat to children attending a concert in the years you suggest . I doubt you could point to a single incident that occurred. The only terrorism the UK had to contend with was Irish Republican , and whilst not wanting to sound as though I am defending the IRA , they would never have deliberately targeted an event like Bataclan or the Arianna Grande concert.
You cannot remember them because we live in a far more media dominated world now. In 1963 white supremacist terrorists killed and injured 26 in a terrorist bombing in USA 1972 Jewish terrorists kill and injure 14 in terrorist attack 1975 67 killed and injured in a bombing by Puerto Rican terrorists in new york 1975 again. 86 killed and injured in new York bombing by Croatian terrorists 1993 and 25 killed and injured in terrorist shooting in new York by American Christian in the name of racism against whites. Just a few of the more noticeable ones that took place in the USA. Interesting fact. More terrorist attacks are carried out by Jews in America than by muslims.
You've missed the point...all but one of the incidents you've quoted were not in the 1960's but in the 1970's . The Croatian attacks were directed at specific pro Yogoslavian groups rather than the current Isis campaign of killing anyone , regardless of nationality race creed or colour.
Macedonia. Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbia. Cyprus. Croatia. Slovenia. Kosovo. Georgia. Albania. All over 1% Muslim and in Eastern Europe. Not a complete list
2015 figures, % of population that are muslim: 1 Turkey 99% 2 Kosovo 92% 3 Albania 59% 4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 51% 5 Macedonia 33% 6 Cyprus 23% 7 Montenegro 19% 8 Georgia 11% 9 Bulgaria 8% 10 France 8% Just for perspective, the UK is 5.4%
1961 air France flight to Paris bombed. 78 dead 1961 Paris train bombing 28 dead over 100 injured 1962 45 dead in American plane bombing 1963 Ku Klux Klan targeted bombing killed and injured 26 including children 1964 Yemen children's party attacked by terrorists killing and injuring 5 1964 American Embassy bombed 1965 36 killed and injured in Singapore terrorist attack 1968 90 killed and injured in Belgrade cinema bombing 1968 Palestinian terrorists attack flight in greece 1968 Belgrade train bombings injures 13 1968 Over 20 desperate terror attacks carried out by Cuban terrorist group. 1968 flight from London hijacked by Palestinian terrorists 1969 11 killed and injured in Jerusalem terrorist attack 1969 US flight hijacked by terrorists 1969 terrorists attack flight from Amsterdam killing and injuring 7 1969 south Korean flight hijacked by North Korean terrorists 1969 95 killed and injured in Italian bombing 1969 Palestinian terrorists hijacked a flight from Italy.
Douglas Murray did not mention Muslim. His reference was to Islam. There are millions of Christians in the world but not every one of those are "practising". Similarly there are countless Muslims in the Western World who probably live their lives according to the Quoran and Sharia law but I would imagine there are also quite a number of " lapsed " westernised Sunni or Shia Muslims who are not committed to practicing the everyday obligations and teachings of Islam.? Extract regarding Eastern Europe and reference to the Religions.
You are exactly the guy that the Trump/May/Farage - and just about any Fascist dictator loves. Whip you up into a frothing state ready to get rid of any laws that protect the majority of people in the majority of circumstances, to deal with an atrocity that happens in a minority of circumstances and which effective measures usually prevent. As the data in this threat has already shown, the security services have been incredibly successful and the number of terrorist incidents have been falling since the 1960s when we are told that we all lived in the glow of a 'say what you like, do what you like' society that had no political correctness. The fact is that tackling terrorism is a secretive business - and it involves making incredibly hard decisions - the rationale for which cannot always be exposed publicly. The idea that such as rationale would include 'foookit it's only kids' is vile - and promulgating such an unreasonable suggestion is equally vile, but also incredibly unjust. So now we're in a position where you've already told people that if your relatives were harmed, you would radicalise instantly in response - presumably to fight fire with fire. Although where, exactly, you would aim your aggression is not clear (police? security services? peaceful muslims? travel abroad?). Now you're advocating a panel of 'special judges' that can hand out immediate judgements. Gosh - that sound a bit like the scenarios of kangaroo courts that have played a role in every oppressive regime from Soviet Russia, to Fascist Italy, to Nazi Germany and beyond. Presumably if your relative was falsely held or accused in such an arrangement you'd radicalise? Keep pumping out the sentiments of 'it could be someone you love' - I'm sure that when people get radicalised they don't hear any such language like that. I mean, it's not like you're inciting hatred at all? In ideology you deplore the actions of extremists, but respond with the exact same sentiments and suggestions. Objectively speaking - when Britain and the US entered into an illegal war searching for non-existent WMDs in Iraq - and hundreds of people were interned and subjected to torture (innocent and guilty alike) and thousands of homes were destroyed, schools and hospitals devastated - these people had no reason to radicalise? And the people who radicalised them had no opportunity to do so? The man who has lost everything in life that he holds dear? The difference is though - by your double standards - it would be ok and reasonable for you to radicalise, under the circumstances of one terrorist bomb - but they are deplorable after having bombs raining down on them, day and night, week after week and month after month. The truth is - radicalisation and murder is deplorable. In all of it's hateful forms. Whether you do it, whether they do, whether you claim they did it first, or whether you think that you're taking pre-emptive measures by killing. The situation with this terrorism is rooted in the terrible mess that has been made in the Middle East and the power vacuum that exists there. It is a hugely complicated mess of foreign policy and the smokescreen of religion - and the immediate strategic objective of safety in the UK is so much more complicated than being an online hard man and posturing on 'the police don't care about kids so long as they get paid - it's jobs for the boys' (spare a moment for the police officers killed in London and more recently Manchester responding to life and limb situations) or by claiming that you'd be out as a radical, or that we need some kangaroo courts to dish out to summary justice. Just crawl under a bloody rock and cancel your internet subscription. You're a moron, and you're part of the problem.
I'd put the over whelming majority of those in Southern Europe. Poland. Under 1% Hungary. Under 1% Czech Republic. Under 1% Slovakia. Under 1% Belarus. Under 1% Romania. Under 1% I suspect these would be the countries that are referenced by the Journalist mentioned previously in this thread.
I think the info you've provided there probably illustrates the point I was making. The bulk of those you have on there are Israel Palestine related incidents...or the Croatian separatists attacking Yugoslav targets , the American plane bombing in 62 was a criminal activity in an insurance swindle...the US Embassy bombing was an isolated incident in relation to UN/US action against a coup in Africa . The Singapore bombing was again an isolated incident related to Singapore/Malaysian separatism, The 1969 Korean sky jacking was commited by the North Korean Govt. In the incidents you've provided 421 people died worldwide ( I accept it's probably not a complete list) in 10 years . Occuring in less than 15 countries .The figures for each of the last 10 years worldwide are 2006...249 deaths 2007...621 2008...350 2009...58 2010...673 2011...717 2012...799 2013...768 2014...2120 2015...3097 2016...1326 2017...290 World terrorism like we see today was not an issue then, 15 countries in the whole of the 60's...90 different countries in 2015 alone . in fact virtually no nation had anti terrorist forces until the 1970's at the earliest, the US Delta force not even being formed until the 90's. I think the figures clearly show the world is far more dangerous today than a casual interpretation of the graph might suggest.
I think the info I've provided above suggests the 60's look like a golden age compared to what we face now.
Thr last 30 days have seen over 150 terror attacks attributed to Islamic organisations. I think sadbrewer has this on the nail. Worlds infinitely more dangerous now compared to the 60s
Not international terrorist incidents no matter how awful or evil. Also none of those happened in the 1960's.