Kasper Rosted (CEO of adidas) has revealed the reasoning of the company name adidas. It was originally believed that this was the company founder Adolf Dassler made it from the first 3 letters of his first and last names ie adi and das = adidas. However with the passing of time it has come to light that adidas is, in fact, an acronym a.d.i.d.a.s. All Deedars In Deedarland Are Stupid (the current mrs leebrilleaux wouldn't let write a swearword) Ok I'll admit now - I'm bored already with my revision for my OU exams
Excuzes-moi leebrilleaux first three and last three of Adolf Dassler spell ADODAS.!! It's because his nickname was Adi e.g that he called the brand Adidas. He originally formed a company with his brother Rudolf but after a big fall out the latter left and formed PUMA. Alan Norfolk and Colin Good set out to start a Company combining their surnames but realised it wouldn't look credible on their headed paper and side of their vans so they didn't bother in the end.!
Ok mr picky pants - Al gi thee that - a minor error on my part - his nickname wor adi - soz n all that
[QUOTE="Donny Red, post: Alan Norfolk and Colin Good set out to start a Company combining their surnames but realised it wouldn't look credible on their headed paper and side of their vans so they didn't bother in the end.![/QUOTE] Its strange you mentioned the above because even after all these years the idea of a Norfolk and Good company still runs in the family circles infact Alans nephew Paul Still, through marriage, thought hed be ideal to lead the New company but on reflection the family said no
Nice one Shed. News from the USA is that an American scientist has successfully cloned a human for*skin with a potato skin. He's intending to carry out further research to see if he can produce them in larger quantities. If successful he is seriously thinking of flooding Cuba with dictators.
Last year when I suffered health problems mainly the optic nerve stroke which left me with double vision along with other stroke problems ..I remember telling the nurses who were looking after me that after many tests and chats with numerous consultants to find out the cause of my problem ...that the Dr's had revealed to me that on checking my medical notes from birth they had discovered I'd been born with no eye lids.....apparently the doctors at the time circumcised me and used my fore skin to form eyelids..... I kid you not.... That's why I'm now cockeyed .......
I'm a Caesarian section baby. Look out for me in the Car Park at Oakwell next season. You can't miss me. I'll be the one getting out of the car through the sun roof.!