You optimist. I don't think the standard of living for most people will recover to 2006 levels much before I retire (currently due in 2039). If May wins and goes for her "No Deal", then I think we'll see levels of poverty not seen since the middle ages in some areas. 6 million JAM households can't easily afford an extra £50-100 per month on all their household costs and many of them will be out of work or forced onto ZHCs. Once the repossessions start it'll crash the housing market and the whole bag of credit will go down with it.
Until bailing out the banks due to rampant greed, the public finances were in reasonable shape. We can argue about the why's and wherefores of banking retaliation or the lack of but the bail out of the banks was necessary and indeed supported by the Tories. There is no suggestion of a return to "benefits Britain". Work will pay. Finally, this "living within your means" message is a nonsense when applied to national finances.
You picking somebody up about making debate difficult because of insults is irony at it's brilliant best.
Accredited to Disraeli " There are lies, damned lies and statistics". A former gaffer of mine ( true blue) in trying to convert me ( always a Red) used to say " if you're not Labour in your twenties you haven't got a heart. If you're not a Tory by your thirties you haven't got a head." It's all subjective. It gets to the point you don't know who to believe. You have to go with what suits you unless of course they change tack once they are elected.! You have to deal with the realities that we live in today to decide which way to vote this time around. Sounds obvious but what are the true "realities".? On TV yesterday one of the points was do you scrap school meals and have 160,000 schools Canteen staff on the dole and a million undernourished school kids ( May) or impose VAT on private school education fees (Corbyn) to cover any shortfall in the education budget.? All the Statistics I've seen seem to suggest that the under the Tories we carry more debt than under a Labour government. Our current liability is estimated at circa £26.5k for every man, woman and child in the UK and estimated to hit £1.7 trillion any time soon. I don't have much faith in Theresa May. She changes her policies in response to adverse criticism and then has the bare face to deny it i.e the recent Andrew Neill debate when she was asked about the Dementia tax. I would have a little wager that once she's been elected, it won't be too long before we see Pickfords at No 10. I suspect that the chinless Tory grandees are not at all happy at her dithering performances of late.
I think you have made a false assumption. I don't treat political parties like a football team and follow them blindly. What I would say is that there needs to be innovative and non protectionist ways of addressing the challenge of how we maintain the NHS. I would for example try and reduce the demand on the NHS and make it available to those who most need it by giving tax breaks to people who want or who are willing to pay for Private Healthcare. What is clear there will never be enough money to fund the ageing population and the developments in medical treatments that are placing forever increasing demands on the service. Labours record on the NHS has and continues to be poor (you only have to look at Wales). Its no good just maintaining a poor service we need to make the NHS better and that comes from efficiency and radical thinking about how to deal with the challenge, not just throw more money at it. Yo Look, you will clearly never be convinced or see what is in front of you so I'm certainly not going to try. I admire Corbyn for at least being true to his beliefs but I'm sorry I don't share them and do not believe a Labour government would be good for our country. The focus on the NHS should be around patient care and how we manage demand so I would be looking to provide private healthcare incentives to those who can afford it. There will never be enough money to fund the increasing demands of the ageing population and treatments that are available....standing still is not an option and neither is just throwing money at it.
Yes i saw that. Could one of the more enlightebed labourites explain this for us fickos. And whats a Fabian society. Is Corbyn a member?
I have being thinking this for a while, why won't any politician say that Britain, since Mrs Thatcher, have become a country of selfish self serving people.
Nothing wrong with spending more if you generate the wealth to enable it....its spending what you haven't got that is damaging.
The best thing about Corbyn and the thing that won me a non Labour voter over is his avoidance of abuse. Of treating things seriously of not telling lies and smearing the opposition. It's a breath of fresh air. Whatever you think of his policies it is positive and not negative campaigning. It brings issues and choice into things. My hope is that this can continue and the abusive nature of politics can change and people can start trusting politicians again. That would be the best legacy for any politician. The lying barefaced and open lying of the tories in this campaign is a betrayal of democracy
Classic Tory. If they aren't telling porkies they are making shooting jokes in the constituency of J Cox.
Think Brown was only chancellor in history to return 3 surplus budgets Labour borrowing since 45 - 480 billion Tory 890 billion Ah yes more years in power I hear you cry but they have borrowed more per year on average than Labour. Where has that money gone? Labour got accused on spending too much on schools,.sure start centres - these things could be seen - where does all the money go Tory's borrow - tax cuts , cuts to corporation tax cuts?
Think that was a lie of the Express. Still not worked out the point of that paper, like a poorer, more right-wing Express but without the provocative photos of the Star.
Cost push inflation was always going to hit us. I would expect inflation to be 5-8% in a years time, due to currency falls. The real fear is stagflation, not been an issue in the recent past.