That's a red herring, no other health system in the world is like the American one, many other private ones work very well and have better results than NHS, basically all of Western Europe.
People with poor spending priorities are not the same as people who are starving, many millions of whom around the world you insult with these exaggerations. Have a chew on that. I have 3 generations of people with hole in the heart condition. Most of us have had 2 or 3 operations that cost about 300k / half a million each. You can just chalk **** on our family tombstone if / when this comes in.
Again stop talking out of your arse. I also volunteered in tbe streets of Calcutta for a bit. A hungry child is a hungry child whatever their nationality and I see them regularly. Just because you choose to ignore them doesn't mean they don't exist. I understand some people get a cheap thrill from being deliberately nasty. It just makes you look a dick.
If you notice the language I said makes you look like a dick. I didn't say he was a dick. Subtle differences. Again stalking someone round a message board makes you look like a dick. Sorry mate I'm not gonna **** you. You're not my type.
This is exactly why political debates on the BBS are impossible. The usual insults from the usual people (all ignored by site admin), the same opinions for the hundredth time and as usual opinions don't change. Jimmy C I am not referring to you. I enjoy our debates despite our political differences.
Yes I respect your views they are well thought out and argued. I'm grumpier than usual as just had a hard couple of hours at Samaritans not the best place to have a reasoned discussion. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I don't think you ever throw inappropriate insults into any discussion, not that I've noticed anyway. I can imagine that it cannot be easy dealing with issues at The Samaritans; by their very nature it must be quite stressful but at times very rewarding (I'd imagine).
I'm sorry I am unable to respond substantively - I am busy setting up a domestic violence unit in Kathmandu. I will linger long enough to apologize for my stalking. Thanks for the further insults though!
Look mate it's flattering looking at me with your big moon eyes. But I prefer someone with a little intellectual spark. It's not going to happen. No means no. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
We haven't had a better one under the Tories. Sent from my iPhone using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
You would hope that any party you try to empower would help out the majority of its voting public , but that party also invaded Iraq so were quite complicit in many deaths as well as saving three of your family which is a tad tenuous but thankfully for you this happened , pick the best from a bad bunch is all that's available